User:Erry/Re:coded Walkthrough/OC

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Olympus Coliseum Logo KH.png

Olympus Coliseum

You'll start in the main area, this world is much different than the others, especially due to its main gameplay being turn-based. Go into the coliseum and talk to Phil, he'll tell you all about the bugs. Then Sora will break the entryway to the Coliseum to lead to the Keyhole, then Sora will go in and you'll be able to play again. You HAVE to break each and every bug block unless they're metal.

Olympus Coliseum

Once you've made your way through you'll get to a fight with Cloud, give him a lot of pain, use the Licenses that you have as well.

Now in this one, you'll need to get Cloud to help you against Cerberus. Go to the room at the top left of the map, and you'll see cloud, go to the bottom part of this room and he'll be gone, however turn around and he's on the other side, help him defeat the Heartless and he'll join you. Now make your way over to the Coliseum doors in the middle room.

After the Save Room, you'll be sent to another area. Make your way over to the platform and collect all Licenses that are dropped.

Boss: Cerberus

Cerberus is a tough boss, but he's easy to beat if you have the correct Licenses and Commands, so spam yourself up with Commands and make sure to utilize Cloud's Omnislash, as it is very powerful compared to Sora and Hercules's "ultra" moves. Once he's defeated, you have finished Olympus Coliseum.

Boss: Hades

Not quite... now you have to battle the Lord of the Dead himself. He's tougher than Cerberus, by a lot. But you should also spam yourself with Licenses and attack with all you've got. After that you have finished Olympus Coliseum... and I mean it this time.