(I'll put something else here eventually)
Hometown Michigan
Birthday January 26th
Age 23
Gender Female
Height 5'2" /157 cm

About Me

I am a person. An eternally bored 20...3 year old to be exact.
Been playing KH since I was a kid, got back into it thanks to the 1.5 and 2.5 remixes. Oh, and KHIII finally being a thing.
I like a lot of video games and won't list them all cause it's 2many, but I really like Persona, Hitman, Katamari, Ratchet & Clank, Red Dead, and Pokemon.
My favorite colors are blue and green (or anything in between) and I like playing video games, drawing, sewing, and cute boys.


Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Rambozoni (I upload Pop'n Music songs cause that's another thing I like)

Wiki Stuff I Might Do

• Idk I'll do something at some point. Now I'm old and crotchety and have too much other stuff to do
dangit I haven't even gotten around to playing KHIII past Olympus fml

Lotsa boxes

...are now gone thanks to photobucket killing image hosting and making these boxes useless lmao

the jams