Forum:Staff Reorganization and the Goblet of...wait: Difference between revisions

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{{The Inexistent|text='''I always wondered why some wikis had auto badges like that.  I was trying to find the code for this wiki, as we were discussing the mereit badges thing.  </fail>'''}}
{{The Inexistent|text='''I always wondered why some wikis had auto badges like that.  I was trying to find the code for this wiki, as we were discussing the mereit badges thing.  </fail>'''}}
{{KrytenKoro|Wouldn't those badges foster the same kind of "edit for editcount's sake" mentality that people were worried about when we first brought this up?}}
{{KrytenKoro|Wouldn't those badges foster the same kind of "edit for editcount's sake" mentality that people were worried about when we first brought this up?}}
{{The Inexistent|text='''Yeah, I mentioned that on the blog on community central, that it will probably just generate sub standard edits and vandalism for the sake of badges.  I was thinking we would only do it in, say increments 100 or 500, so someone who really wanted it would have to really work.'''}}
