Forum:3rd Party Image Hosting Issues

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Forums: Index > The World that Never was > 3rd Party Image Hosting Issues

Sora Wisdom Sprite KHII.png
KeybladeSpyMaster - I do it for my family, my home, my friends! I do it for her!
TALK - tumblr_static_png-transparent-snowflakes.png Welcome to Spy Force One. - 11:21 PM Mon, July 24, 2017 MDT
Diamond Dust Keychain KHFM.png Hey everyone! So, most of you may have noticed by now that a lot of images are showing up on the Kingdom Hearts Wiki with this image:

Photobucket has made changes to their terms of service that make it so that we can no longer link images hosted on Photobucket to 3rd party sites (like the Wiki) without paying for a $39.99 subscriptionPhotobucket blog. Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do about it. So, effective immediately, we're asking everyone to relocate their images that are hosted on Photobucket to a different location. We're giving everyone a month to get back on the site and make the changes necessary, if you guys want to keep your userpages from being tacked with this message.

In about a month (so, probably starting around September), we'll begin to simply remove these dead image links that display this message as we come across them (we won't look for them specifically). We're working on getting largely-used images (like the talk bubble sprite images made by TNE) in a central place (we're looking at hosting them at The Keyhole and making a template to make using them easier). All other images should be hosted elsewhere. A great location (for now) is Imgur. Thanks guys! Diamond Dust Keychain KHFM.png

Sora Wisdom Sprite KHII.png
KeybladeSpyMaster - I do it for my family, my home, my friends! I do it for her!
TALK - tumblr_static_png-transparent-snowflakes.png Welcome to Spy Force One. - 10:33 PM Tue, August 29, 2017 MDT
Diamond Dust Keychain KHFM.png Alright, quick update. It seems that downloading entire albums from Photobucket seems to be (possibly intentionally) down right now, so we're having a bit of an issue with the plan to replace largely-used talk bubble sprites. The plan right now is to reupload the sprites on Wikia (perhaps KHFanon, since it's a fanon wiki, and they're fan-styled KHimages). It'll take longer than I expected, since it seems that I have to download each sprite manually for now. I've checked, this is a recurring issue since earlier this month on all browsers for various users, and Photobucket doesn't seem to be doing a whole lot to deal with the issue. Do note that the links to non-talk-bubble images will be removed starting September (in two days). If you haven't replaced your image links yet, now would be a good time to do so. The images are still in Photobucket, so you can download them and upload them elsewhere and then replace the links. Thanks guys! Diamond Dust Keychain KHFM.png