Hey, what up yo. This is Rixe. That's R-I-X-E... Got it memorized? Haha, sorry couldn't help myself. Kind of an Axel fan, but hey sue me. I'm also a huge Xemnas fan too. And we can't forget our dearest berserker boy, Saix either. Nor Zexion, or Demyx. I know, I know, pick one right? Sorry, I can't if push came to shove, I can only bring it down to two. Can anyone guess who they would be? Probably not you don't know me and my name gives nothing away.

  • Xemnas walks in and clears throat*: If you know what's good for you I'll be one of them, else you'll be a dusk...
  • Saix Dark Portals in and walks up behind Rixe*: Yes, you'll do well to choose the Superior and I...
  • Zexion walks out of the shadows*: Their threats are idle if you choose me, I can keep you away from them easily... if you will trust me to do so...
  • Demyx walks up beside Rixe and throws an arm around her shoulders*: But what about my water clones? I could make so many copies of us it would take them too long to find us and by then we'd be gone, wha'cha say to that?
  • Axel walks over and shoves Demyx off Rixe*: Demyx don't be a fool I could surround the two of us with an end less inferno and no one could touch us, Got it memorized. So wha'cha say to that babe?
  • Rixe pulls away from all five of them holding up her hands in defense*: Hey the reason that I like the two that I do is not because of your powers so give it a rest there. And Zexion, no offence honey, but in my life unless you've earned it... I don't trust you. Nothing against you but no trust. Axel the only reason I pulled the "Got it memorized" thing was because I was trying to be funny. Hate to say it, but you're not one of the two.
  • Axel Dark Portals out*: Your loss Rixe...
  • Picks up a rock and throws it at the portal*: Yeah well stay out too then... jerk. If I'd known he had that kind of personality in the beginning I wouldn't have even thought about it.
  • Rixe turns to Demyx and smiles softly*: Sorry Dem Dem, but you're not one either. *Reaches over and gives hug to Demyx*: Sorry but you're still in my top five.
  • Demyx hangs his head and then nods before hugging Rixe back then picks up his Sitar and walks out of the room*: See ya then...
  • Rixe gives a little wave goodbye then turns to the last three*: K, it's between you guys now. Ill tell you who one is then I'll tell the one who is not... K?
  • Rixe receives two annoyed stares and a blank one*

Rixe: Okay... Saix, you are one of the two...

  • A pleased look slides onto his face and the very smallest of smiles bearly turns up the corner of his lips and he closes his eyes*

Rixe: Pleased are you? *Leans up and swiftly kisses Saix's cheek*: Well there's your prize... Xemnas, you're the other... *Leans up and kisses Xemnas too*: Sorry Zexion you're just not my type...