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The official title of this game is Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, which might be coming out around the time the Nintendo 3DS is coming the spring of 2011.
The official title of this game is Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, which might be coming out around the time the Nintendo 3DS is coming the spring of 2011.
From: King-Mickey-Master, January 26th, 2011, 4:32PM
From: King-Mickey-Master, January 26th, 2011, 4:32PM
==3D- Back to Back==
{{AROS|time=09:52|text=Hey everyone. Now I'm sure you  have all seen the new (or only ) publicly relaesed trailer for Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream, Drop, Distance. Seems pretty cool right, but as always, no early KH trailer is without its mysteries and therfore its speculation among fans. With that topic I would like to point out something. Has anyone ever noticed that when Riku/Sora fights Ansem/Xemnas that whoever he is fighting the other is a ghost behind his back? Seriously. I didn't notice it when the trailer leaked all those days ago (probably because I was still in shock of Sora jumping off of a building and deaf from all of the fan-girls out there screaming their heads off from seeing all of those Soras) but now having seen the officialy released HD version, I've noticed that there might be more going on behind Xehanort's back, litteraly. Let me clairify. When Riku first appears, so does Ansem, but if you look closely, Xemnas is transparent and hiding behind him (I noticed this when I saw Xemnas's spiky hair behind Ansems silky flat hair). Then, when Sora comes out at possibly the same time(?), Xemnas is there, but like before, Ansem is hiding behind Xemnas's back, transpairently (again, the transparent hair is a dead giveaway).I'm not exactly sure what to make of this but maybe this has to do with Nomura's "Time-Limit" sequence between Sora and Riku, maybe if you're switching back and forth between Riku and Sora during the whole fight, maybe Ansem and Xemnas are doing the same. Your thoughts (and sorry about the Wall-o-Text, this isn't looking good for my New-Year's ressolution)?}}
