Quotes:Timon and Pumbaa

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This page contains a list of quotes said by Timon and Pumbaa during the course of Kingdom Hearts II.

Timon's Quotes

Cutscene Quotes

Kingdom Hearts II

  • "Hey, why the long face, Simba? You gotta lighten up and live a little!"
    talking to Simba.
  • "Lemme guess. The past, right?'
    talking to Simba.
  • "Would you look how he's grown, Pumbaa. Why, when I rescued the little guy, he was only this big."
    talking about Simba.
  • "Help! Simba! Heeelp!'
    when he and Pumbaa screams.
  • "Hey! What's goin' on here!?"
    upon him meeting Nala.
  • "Why am I not surprised?"
    when Simba and Nala talk privately.
  • "Why doesn't Nala like Hakuna Matata? It's a wonderful phrase that means no worries, no cares! Live for today!"
    talking about Nala and Hakuna Matata.
  • "So, you're returning to the Pride Lands... You can prepare for your journey here. Whatever you do, don't get hurt."
    Telling you to prepare yourself.
  • "Wait a minute. We're gonna fight your uncle for THIS?"
    talking to Simba.
  • "'Scuse me! Pardon me! Comin' through!"
    before crashing into the hyenas.
  • "If Scar's alone, I'm sure Simba can handle it, but who knows what he has planned? Please, Sora. Go make sure Simba's all right."
    telling Sora and company to go help Simba.
  • "Hey, what's with the light show?"
    after Sora locked the Keyhole.
  • "Whaddaya mean, "Guess so"!? What if he forgets to tell the carnivores who we are? One look at you, and you're a pig roast."
    talking to Pumbaa.
  • "We know your dad was a great king, and all. But now it's your turn. Remember what I taught ya. "You gotta put the past behind you." It's time to go out there and show everybody things are gonna be just fine!"
    talking to Simba.
  • "Great! Now we're going to have to babysit!"
    talking about Simba's baby.
  • "He seemed troubled by a lot of things when we lived at the oasis. He's gotten so huge, but the most important part of him never grew up."
    talking about Simba.
  • "Hey, I know! He's at the oasis. It's our favorite hangout!"
    giving directions to where Simba is.
  • "Oh, no you won't! Simba'll smell you coming a mile away. And if he's smart, he'll run for the hills!"
    talking to Pumbaa.
  • "If you're looking for Simba, he probably went to the oasis. It's quiet there, and the perfect place for thinking."
    talking about Simba at the oasis.
  • "Simba! Come quick! There's a bazillion ghosts of Scar haunting the Pride Lands! Everybody but Nala high-tailed it out of there. And now she needs your help."
    talking about Scar's ghosts appearing.
  • "It looks like something's riding on top of that monster! It couldn't be controlling it, could it?"
    giving some useful tips about the Groundshaker.
Battle Quotes
  • "No!"
    at random times in battle.
  • "Get away!"
    at random times in battle.
  • "Sora!"
    at random times in battle.
  • "Somebody help!"
    at random times in battle.

Pumbaa's Quotes

Cutscene Quotes

Kingdom Hearts II

  • "What were you thinkin' about?"
    talking to Simba.
  • "She's gonna eat us!"
    talking about Nala.
  • "Are you sure they don't wanna eat me like I'm some kinda pig!?"
    talking to Sora and company.
  • "Call me Mr. Pig!"
    talking to Sora and company.
  • "Nala wants to be left alone. Why don't you go cheer up Simba? Hakuna Matata... You understand, don't you, guys?"
    - wanting Sora and company to talk to Simba.
  • "You can run fast like lions, right? I wish I could do that, too. It'd be useful when running away..."
    - talking about lions.
  • "Simba chased after Scar toward the peak up above. This is the grand finale. Go cheer Simba on!"
    - telling Sora and company to go help Simba.
  • "I'll go tell Simba."
    before Sora and company leaves.
  • "Same thing! And I'm not sticking around to be anybody's pork dinner!"
    before running away.
  • "And find your own path!"
    talking to Simba.
  • "Rafiki is really wise. He might know what we should do. If you're ever in a bind, you should see what he has to say."
    - talking about Rafiki.
  • "All my old "friends" left me just because of how I smell. But now I have Timon, and I'm livin' a life of Hakuna Matata!"
    - talking about his life with Timon.
  • "What are we gonna do if that beast comes here? You've gotta stop it in the savannah, or this place'll be destroyed!"
    - talking about the groundshaker.
Battle Quotes
  • "Can't we be friends?"
    at random times in battle.
  • "I don't even taste good!"
    at random times in battle.
  • "On my way!"
    when called over to Sora's position.
  • "Sora!"
    at random times in battle.