Yes, the untapped power that lies within you. Now, child, it's time you awakened that power and realized your full potential.
Prime - Maleficent 6★ Medal
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This page contains a list of quotes said by Jiminy Cricket during the course of Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts II and Kingdom Hearts coded.

Cutscene Quotes

Kingdom Hearts

  • "Over here! Cricket's the name. Jiminy Cricket, at your service."
    upon Donald and Goofy meeting him.
  • "It was terrible. We were scattered. And as far as I can see, I'm the only one who made it to this castle."
    talking about how he got to the castle.
  • "Well, I see big adventures coming their way! Looks like it’s up to me to keep track of it all in my journal!"
    talking to himself about recording Sora's adventure.
  • "Well, well, as I live and breathe! If it isn't Pinocchio!"
    upon finding Pinocchio in Traverse Town.
  • "No fibbing, now! You know you're not supposed to tell lies. A lie only grows and grows, 'til you get caught! Plain as the nose on your face!"
    talking to Pinocchio about lying.
  • "It's Monstro! He's a whale of a whale, and vicious besides!"
    when talking about Monstro the whale.
  • "Pinocchio? Pinocch, where are you going? Pinocch! Come on, everybody! After him! Quick!"
    upon seeing Pinocchio inside Monstro.

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

  • "Guess again! This can't be mere coincidence."
    talking to Donald and Goofy about something off about the place.
  • "Forget about that, Sora! We're two heads short!"
    talking to Sora about Donald and Goofy.
  • "Well, try to remember what happened. I need to keep my journal up to date."
    talking about his journal.
  • "What Axel said's been bothering me... What could he have meant by "you may no longer be you"?"
    talking about what Axel said.
  • "Every letter! I finished off the first volume right before we got to this castle. Let's see if I can find the old book... Ah, here it is! Let's have a look... Th-This isn't possible! All the entries have vanished! Every page, blank!"
    talking about his journal being blank.
  • "That's all well and good for us, Sora, but what about Alice? If the queen catches her again, it's off with — well, you know."
    talking about Alice.
  • "Why, I know that voice... Pinocchio? Pinocch, it's you! Come on out!"
    seeing Pinocchio.
  • "You can't get away from me, son. I'm your conscience. Your conscience should guide whatever you do. Remember?"
    talking to Pinocchio.
  • "Pinocchio, you naughty boy! You know Geppetto worries when you wander off by yourself."
    talking to Pinocchio after he ran off.
  • "Pinocchio, run for it!"
    before fighting Parasite Cage.
  • "I don't mind being left behind, as long as they're both safe. Maybe Pinocchio doesn't need me after all."
    after leaving Monstro.
  • "He sure was acting strange. It's almost as if the Heartless were controlling him again."
    after the battle with Riku.
  • "But that can't be right! Up until now we've only been to places in Sora's memory."
    upon entering Twilight Town.
  • "So you're the reason the rest of us lost our memories, too. Can we ever get them back?"
    talking to Naminé.
  • "No problem, Donald! I'll make a note in my journal: "Thank Naminé"."
    before he goes to "sleep".

Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories

  • "And that must mean: we've lost ten whole floors worth of our memories. Sora, we're still not too late. Don't you think we should turn back?"
  • "Hmm. There sure are a lot of questions. Naminé, I know this probably won't be easy for you, but can you tell us what happened?"
  • "Bet I know who that is. Was the the fella who made you temper with our memories?"
  • "Don't worry about that. I'll just make a big note in my journal, and it will say "Thank Naminé."

Kingdom Hearts II

  • "I guess we musta been, or I don't think we'd be so drowsy..."
    talking to Sora.
  • "Gee, there's only one sentence... "Thank Naminé". Hmm... I wonder who that is?"
    while reading his journal.
  • "Well, what do ya say we find out where we are!"
    before going to the Usual Spot.

Kingdom Hearts coded

  • "I suppose this one line means that my notebook served its purpose, after all. More importantly, who is Naminé, I wonder?"
    after the opening scene.
  • "That's right. I never wrote it. These notebooks never leave my possession. Who could have written this, and when?"
    talking to Mickey about the note.
  • "Look, look at this everybody! The notebook! There's a new line in my notebook!"
    when a new line is written in the notebook.
  • "What is this all about? Fixing the data should bring back everything I had written before, but... What we just saw isn't anything I - I don't remember any of this."
    talking about the notebook.
  • "How can there be Heartless in the castle?"
    talking about the Heartless in the castle.
  • "Hurray! Exactly as I expected! There's a new message in my notebook! "Their torment has been lessened"."
    upon a world being repaired.
  • "I see. Does that mean these memories were buried deep within the notebook? No one should have remembered them..."
    talking about the memories of the notebook.
  • "Let me see... There's... one more world left. We only had a little bit more work to do to get rid of them all."
    talking about how many worlds that needs repairing.
  • "The world built out of the journal I kept... I must say, it's a bit sad to be leaving it..."
    talking about his notebook.
  • "The record of our first journey is back to its original state. The corruption of the bugs is gone, and all that's left is what I wrote. Right?"
    talking to Riku.
  • "I've just remembered something important! Maleficent and Pete are still inside the data! They're going to be deleted, too!"
    talking about Maleficent and Pete.
  • "Sora lost all his memories of his adventure in the data world. That means the Sora in the data world is the Sora that hasn't met us yet."
    talking about Sora.

Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded

  • "Well, I sure didn't write anything like that in the journal."
  • "Here in the castle?! But how?!"
  • "This is not our day."
  • "Oh! Your majesty, I think Sora just might have reached the next world."
  • "Your majesty! There, on the monitor."
  • "RIku?!"
  • "You're my... journal?"
  • "Well, whaddaya know. If those memories came from deep within the journal itself, then it's really no wonder they're unfamiliar. They don't belong to any of us."

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Sora's Story

  • "That Pinocchio— he must have his poor father worried sick. Still, that little fella's some miracle. Imagine... Mr. Geppetto's wooden puppet, brought to life by the Blue Fairy! She made his wish for a son come true because he's given so much happiness to others. Now Pinocchio needs me to guide him and be his conscience, so maybe one day, he can be a real- Well, now, let's not get ahead of ourselves, Jiminy. First, you gotta go find Pinoke."
    talking to himself about Pinocchio.
  • "Hmm? Who are you? You shouldn't be here, young man!"
    upon meeting Sora.
  • "You can't fool me. You still think we know each other. And you've just about got me thinkin' it, too."
    talking to Sora.
  • "Hmm, but where was I? Oh, yes, this is a terrible place! Boys here are allowed to wreck things and loaf around and make jackamules of themselves! And poor, lost Pinocchio, he wandered in here on my watch."
    talking about the carnival's curse.
  • "That's right! That's where I musta heard your name, Sora- from my friend Pinoke!"
    remembering where he heard Sora's name.
  • "Shame on you, Pinocchio, playin' hooky and... and goofin' off in a place like this!"
    upon finding Pinocchio in a cage.
  • "There! Ya see where those tall tales will get ya?"
    when Pinocchio's nose grows longer.
  • "What? Now who was he? I've just about enough of your fibbin'. Hold on... I guess that part was true. Tell me, Pinoke, did that man in black say anything else to ya?"
    when Pinocchio was talking about the man in black.
  • "That star again. The Blue Fairy!"
    when the Blue Fairy approaches.
  • "Well, ya see, um, Your Honor, um, Miss Fairy..."
    trying to talk to the Blue Fairy.
  • "Forget him! If I don't find Pinoke, he'll turn into a donkey like the rest of the boys."
    talking about Pinocchio.
  • "Pinocchio! There you are!"
    talking to a fake Pinocchio.
  • "Oh my!"
    when the fake Pinocchio is revealed to be a Dream Eater.
  • "Sora! Up there! Look at the top of the tower!"
    finding another fake Pinocchio on the tower.
  • "Gee, Pinoke, How'd you manage to get up here?"
    talking to the fake Pinocchio.
  • "Another imposter."
    talking about the Dream Eater.
  • "Well sure, if that's really him."
    talking about the real Pinocchio.
  • "Oh my stars above! We've gotta do something!"
    when Pinocchio is surrounded by Dream Eaters.
  • "Oh, Pinoke! Look at ya!"
    upon seeing Pinocchio with donkey ears and tail.
  • "This Monstro—I've heard of him, Pinoke. He's a whale of a whale! Why, he swallows whole ships, alive! And besides, it's dangerous! Why I, uh—"
    warning Pinocchio about Monstro.
  • "Good-bye? I may be live bait down there, but I'm with ya."
    before going out to sea with Pinocchio to save Geppetto.

Riku's Story

  • "Did ya say you were really going to help us find Pinocchio?"
    when Riku wants to find Pinocchio.
  • "Huh? That's right-name's Jiminy! Jiminy Cricket. But shucks, have we met?"
    upon hearing Riku saying his name.
  • "Hmm, if you say so. Anyway, Pinocchio comes first."
    talking about Pinocchio.
  • "Well, I'm almost certain he wandered off with a stranger."
    talking about where Pinocchio went.
  • "Hmm...I remember he was dressed in a black coat."
    talking about the guy in a black coat.
  • "Well, I'm goin' with ya. Pinocchio's gonna need his conscience, and that's where I come in."
    decides to go with Riku to find Pinocchio.
  • "Pinocchio!"
    upon finding Pinocchio.
  • "Thank goodness. Are you all right? Riku and I looked for ya everywhere."
    when Pinocchio came back to him.
  • "Why, Pinocchio, I think ya just might be finally startin' to learn."
    when Pinocchio said that he made him worried.
  • "As I live and breathe..."
    upon seeing Riku's dark side.
  • "Your dark side?"
    when Riku explains.
  • "Sure. You can't shoulder all by your problems alone, ya know. You must have somebody-a friend you can talk to?"
    asking Riku if he has a friend as a conscience.
  • "You will, Pinocchio. More than you can count."
    When Pinocchio wants some friends.
  • "Okay!"
    before he heads back with Pinocchio.