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Shan Yu is a villain from Disney's Mulan.


Shan Yu is the leader of the Hun army, who plan to attack and take over China (The Land of Dragons). He is large and burly, and wields a curving blade.

The movie

In Walt Disney's Mulan, Shan Yu is the main villain. He wishes to rule China. He uses his Hun army to attack several chineze villages. His army defeats a large part of the Emperor's army, this battle being the death-point of the the Emperor's general. This is why General Shang is promoted, and why new soldiers are needed by the Imperial army. After this battle, he plans to attack the Imperial capital, home of the Emperor. Mulan manages to wipe out most of his army at the mountain peek above the city. Shan Yu is believed dead, but he is relentless; Mulan sees him reamerge from the snow that collapsed upon him and his army. He attacks the capital with the small number of men he has left. He takes the Emperor hostage and demands him to bow before him. He refuses, angering Shan Yu. Mulan comes to the Emperor's rescue, and duels Shan Yu on the roof of the Imperial palace. He is eventually killed by a rocketing firework that collides with him, ending the fight.

Kingdom Hearts II

Shan Yu appears in Kingdom Hearts II as the main antagonist of The Land of Dragons. Instead of Huns, he has an army of Heartless at his command. The story is basicly the same, except the shadow of the Heartless has possessed him. He attacks the Imperial palace, but is defeated by Sora, Donald, Goofy and Mulan in a climatic boss battle.

Boss battle


  • HP: 442
  • STR: 12
  • DEF: 6
  • Reward: Aerial Sweep (Sora) - Hp+4 (Donald) - Turbo (Goofy)
