Forum:Who do you think the Unknown in BBS is?

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I think it might be Xehonort


this is probably unoriginal but what if it's a forgotten member of Organization XIII? one that was on a special mission or that left but was never dealt with. Or Xehanort in a new enemy form that has yet to be shown.--Memorized

I think it's someone we haven't yet seen. Nomura has said whoever it is is in the same vein as the Lingering Sentiment of KHIIFM+. Quote from the latest Dengeki issue: This new character must be someone involved in the story, right?

Nomura: I think it’d seem so, but at the point in time of Birth by Sleep, this person’s true figure isn’t fully understood. Similar to the way the Lingering Sentiment was, its a character who at the present time is an existence of mystery.

So that's what I'm basing this on