File:Hello my baby by zeurel-d2z3h8j.gif

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|colspan=2 style="text-align: centerf|

|valign="top" style=" background:lightgrey ; width:140px"|Name
|style="background:darkgreen"|Chihuasa Mappel
|valign="top" style=" background:lightgrey ; width:140px"|Title
|valign="top" style=" background:lightgrey ; width:140px"|Gender
|valign="top" style=" background:lightgrey ; width:140px"|Likes
|style="background:darkgreen"|Video Games, Food, Being with Friends and Family, Life, Animals, Earth, Existence.
|valign="top" style=" background:lightgrey ; width:140px"|Dislikes
|style="background:darkgreen"|School, Murderer, Hatred, Evil, Mudkipz, Death.
|valign="top" style=" background:lightgrey ; width:140px"|Orientation
|valign="top" style=" background:lightgrey ; width:140px"|Favorite Video Game(s)
|style="background:darkgreen"|Kingdom Hearts (Freakin' Duh!), Pokemon, Spectrobes, Digimon, Final Fantasy, MMOs, Most RPGs (I Prefer Action RPGs.), Stuff Like That. (More To Be Added Soon)
|valign="top" style=" background:lightgrey ; width:140px"|Dream Job(s)
|style="background:darkgreen"|Police Officer, Keyblade Master (Impossible, i know but don't say that it would not be awesome.)
|valign="top" style=" background:lightgrey ; width:140px"|Favorite Kingdom Hearts Character(s)
|style="background:darkgreen"|Terra, Ventus, Aqua, Sora, Riku, Most Org. XIII Members, Ansem The Wise (Cristopher Lee is epic!), Vanitias, Master Eraqus (Mark Hamil? YESH!1!1!1!1!), Stich. (More to be added soon)
|valign="top" style=" background:lightgrey ; width:140px"|Least Favorite Kingdom Hearts Character(s)
|style="background:darkgreen"|Larxene (OF COURSE HER!), Vanitias (Because he is SUCH A JERK-FACE!!), Xehanort (Betray the man that nursed you back to health and try to kill us all? I don't think so!), Pete, Master Eraqus (He tried to kill Ventus!!!), Kairi. (More to be added soon)

Online Identification

PSN ID: SquareEnicks Other known online names: Forcemaster Blaze Chihuahuaman (More to be added soon.)


Chihuahuaman What did i do!? What did YOU do!?!? — 01:47, October 1, 2010 (UTC)
  I use this talkbubble in regular conversation, non-violent arguments or when trying to explain something. You will definetly see this one often

Chihuahuaman My friends are my power, and I'm theirs! — 01:47, October 1, 2010 (UTC)
  I use this only when talking to friends, amazed or when happy. Expect to see it freqently.

Chihuahuaman I herd u liek UNVERSED MUDKIPZ! — 01:47, October 1, 2010 (UTC)
  This is my hooded talkbubble. I use this when making sincere apologies, when cooling down from being angry, trying to avoid getting in a argument and things like that. Uncommon.

Chihuahuaman We are one! — 01:47, October 1, 2010 (UTC)
  I use this when feeling angry, crazy, sad, or when unsure about myself. You will see it very rarely.

More to be added and some to be edited soon. (possibly.)

My epic friends

iZeroxChibiAxel.jpg This user is a good friend of iZerox.
  This user is an amazing friend of SilverCrono, and aids in the goat's downfall.

Funny Stuff