Gawrsh, aren't we here because of the picture?
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First incarnation: This battle is fought in the Lamp Chamber, where you face off against both Jafar and Genie. Genie releases only minor attacks, apologizing beforehand. If he manages to hit you, he releases a small amount of HP balls at the same time. Jafar, who floats across the chamber just out of reach, is the far greater threat. He occasionally evokes an ice storm at the center of the chamber (avoid it by simply staying out of the way). His main attack is a continuous beam of fire from his staff. If you’re patient, you can wait for Jafar to drift down for a more personal assault. If not, you can simply track him down on top of whatever raised area he’s standing on and let loose with a flurry of combos from the Keyblade. It’ll make things go a lot faster. Either way, just keep attacking until he turns into a small ball of white light and floats off. Since you can’t hurt him in this form, use this time to heal the party. Once Jafar returns to human form, the process starts all over again until he’s beaten. The prize for winning this fight is an upgrade to Blizzara. After this, heal your party at the save point in the treasure room and head across the lamp chamber towards Jasmine and jump into the massive pit.



Second incarnation: Having assumed the form of a gigantic genie, Jafar picks up massive fireballs to throw at the party. You can do damage with your new Blizzara spell, but your best bet is to aim for the lamp, which Iago carries around the room. Lock onto the lamp and follow Iago to smash it repeatedly. To avoid damage from Jafar’s fireball attacks, use Dodge Roll, and cast Aero on your other party members (since they can’t dodge as well). Alternatively, you may use Guard to fend off the fireball attacks. For winning this battle, your Fire magic is upgraded to Fira, and you can read the first Ansem’s Report.

Kingdom Hearts II

In Kingdom Hearts II there is only one fight with Jafar. This is where Jafar is turned into a giant Genie and floats over what was the Palace. In this battle you fly on Carpet


Energy Ball: He will do this attack first and half health. His hand hold dark energy ball and he will swing at you

Hold: This is what happens after a health. After the reaction command he will hold you at his head. Does no damage

Parallel Universe: This will bring you to a different realm. He will be out of range and attack with parts of the Palace.

Magic: In this he will fire Fire ball and thunder. Avoid and attack.


The Parallel universe looks like the place where Sora seals the Keyholes]]