Forum:Organaztion 14?

Forums: Index > Twilight Town > Organaztion 14?

do u think there is a another org. member? i think u know?

Is the 14th member a new character of the KH Series? It appears as though the character is...a woman? TN: I should bring it up now, that the XIV member is not Namine, since some people believed it to be Namine by seeing the trailer. However it will be explained as to why there's no pillar for this character, as well as why she never appeared in Kingdom Hearts 2.

all confirmedXienZo 16:31, 8 March 2008 (UTC)

It is obvious that she'll die and she'll be one of the bad guys. I also think that she'll be a total bitch like LarxenePablo618 01:36, 9 March 2008 (UTC)

I think so pablo.if she will be in kh3 man,but...