Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather

Revision as of 16:22, 27 February 2009 by khwikia>Charmed-Jay


Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather are the three good fairies who live with Master Yen Sid in his tower in Kingdom Hearts II. They orignally come from the Enchanted Dominion. The three fairies give Sora his new outfit after he wakes from his year-long sleep, as well as the Star Seeker Keyblade and the ability to use Drive. When Diablo brings Maleficent's robe to Yen Sid's Tower, the fairies' memory accidently bring her back to life.

The three fairies appear on Aurora's pillar during Sora's Awakening.

The three fairies may reappear in Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep.

Journal Entries

Kingdom Hearts II


Sleeping Beauty (1959)

A kind and good fairy, Flora is always dressed in red. The leader of the group, she helps Fauna and Merryweather make the right decisions.

Flora helped Sora prepare for his journey with just the right traveling clothes.


Sleeping Beauty (1959)

A sweet and gentle fairy, Fauna dresses in green. Always eager to please, she only uses magic to help others.

Fauna helped Sora prepare for his journey with just the right traveling clothes.


Sleeping Beauty (1959)

A spirited fairy dressed in blue, Merryweather can sometimes be a bit stubborn. Together with Fauna and Flora, she tries to stop Maleficent from harming others.

Merryweather helped Sora prepare for his journey with just the right traveling clothes.


  • "Flora" was the name of Walter Disney's mother.
  • Flora and Fauna are terms referring to plants and animals respectively.
  • When three fairies remember Maleficent, and went to inform Yen Sid, there were two different versions. In Japanese version, the fairies simply disappered; in the English version, they turned into a ball of light much like in the original Disney animation.
  • The scene where the fairies are giving Sora his new clothes is a reference to Sleeping Beauty, as they keep altering his first-game outfit from pink, blue, and green. After a few cycles of this, Sora gets irritated and asks, "Would you just decide?" After this, they all work together and give Sora his official Kingdom Hearts II outfit.