Yes, the untapped power that lies within you. Now, child, it's time you awakened that power and realized your full potential.
Prime - Maleficent 6★ Medal
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Sleight is the term used to refer to certain three-card combinations in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. Sleights may be learned upon level-up, or they may be acquired through story events (as in the case of Trinity Limit). More powerful than single-card attacks, magic, or summons, sleights are often used in boss battles.

List of Sleights


Sora can learn Blitz when he reaches level 17. It is a powerful 3-hit combo that strikes a single target. It is created by combining 3 attack cards of differing types with a total value of 10-15.


Sora uses Ragnarok in Chain of Memories.

This sleight can be learned when Sora reaches the level 47 power-up. Sora floats in the air and sends out a mass of rays stright in front of him. It requires three Attack Cards with total value 7-9. It is based on an Ability of the same name that Sora learns in Kingdom Hearts.


Ragnarok's name comes from the Norse word "Ragnarök", which means "fate of the gods" and is the name of the end of the world in Norse mythology.

Reflect Raid

Reflect Raid is created by linking a Cloud card plus 2 attack cards. Sora throws the Keyblade and it bounces around between enemies in all directions, striking multiple targets or striking the same target multiple times. Its very similiar to the "Strike Raid" ability from Kingdom Hearts.

Sliding Dash

Sliding Dash can be learned when Sora reaches level 2. Sora slides across the ground, striking the enemy from below. It is performed by stocking three Attack Cards of the same type, their value being 10-15.

Stun Impact

Sora can learn Stun Impact when he reaches level 7. Sora strikes the ground with the keyblade to create a barrier wiich stuned all enemies nearby. It is created by combining 3 attack cards of the same type with a value of 20-30.

Strike Raid

Sora gains access to Strike Raid at level 12. Strike raid is formed by combining any 3 attack cards that totals between 24 to 26. Sora throws his keyblade forward, damaging and confusing enemies in the way.

Ars Arcanum

Ars Arcanum becomes available after Sora reaches level 37. Any three attack cards that total from 1 to 6 activates Ars Arcanum. Sora beats down the enemy with a flurry of rapid blows that ends with a powerful finishing strike.

Sonic Blade

Sora gains access to Sonic Blade at level 22. It requires 3 differing types of attack cards that total from 20 to 23. Sora rockets across the field hitting enemies, and can be repeated by pressing A (or Triangle in Re:Com) up to six times.


Zanzetsuken can be learned when Sora reaches level 27. If this sleight breaks an opposing card, Zantetsuken renders it useless and unreloadable for the remainder of the battle. It is created by combining 3 attack cards with a total value of 0 or 27.


Zantetsuken's name and power originate from the special attack of the summon, Odin, from the Final Fantasy series.

Trinity Limit

Sora automanically obtains Trinity Limit at his entrance into the 13th floor, Castle Oblivion. Any combination of an attack card, Donald, and Goofy (although in Re:Com, the combination of G,D,A in that order is dedicated to another sleight) will form Trinity Limit. Sora stabs his keyblade into the ground where a symbol appears. The area is engulfed in light and annihilates almost all enemies nearby.

Riku's Sleights

Riku does not learn sleights upon reaching a certain level. Rather, he has access to four sleights throughout the entire game, unless Dark Mode has not been activated or he does not have access to a King Mickey Friend Card.

List of Riku's Sleights

Dark Aura

May only be activated in Dark Mode. Activated by a total value of 27. Riku flys across th creen several times, damaging every enemy he touches, and at the end stabs his Soul Eater into the ground, causing damage to each enemy caught within the circle of the attack.

MM Miracle

Riku may use this sleight at any point in the game where he has access to a King Mickey card. King Mickey appears and pulls out a card, which flashes a bright light that stuns all enemies, heals Riku, and reloads his deck.