Forum:Who do you think the Unknown in BBS is?

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I think it might be Xehonort


this is probably unoriginal but what if it's a forgotten member of Organization XIII? one that was on a special mission or that left but was never dealt with. Or Xehanort in a new enemy form that has yet to be shown.--Memorized

I think it's someone we haven't yet seen. Nomura has said whoever it is is in the same vein as the Lingering Sentiment of KHIIFM+. Quote from the latest Dengeki issue: This new character must be someone involved in the story, right?

Nomura: I think it’d seem so, but at the point in time of Birth by Sleep, this person’s true figure isn’t fully understood. Similar to the way the Lingering Sentiment was, its a character who at the present time is an existence of mystery.

So that's what I'm basing this on.Edit: Sorry for not signing --WheelyRampage 08:16, July 16, 2010 (UTC)

You didn't sign your posts...Anyway. Unknown shall remain the way he/she is,Unknown. Naruto195 07:27, July 16, 2010 (UTC)

It cannot be Ansem, Xehanort or an Organization member. People need to remember that the Black Coat is not exclusive to the Organization and that these coats have existed long before the Organization's formation. Kaihedgie 07:52, July 16, 2010 (UTC)

hmm it could be a failed apprentice of Master Xehanort now trying to redeem himself for his old master.--Memorized

He can't be an apprentice unless he has a Keyblade and judging from the only attacks we've seen so far in the trailer, none of his attacks seem to be dark-aligned Kaihedgie 15:38, July 18, 2010 (UTC)