
Revision as of 21:38, 26 December 2014 by (talk)
Yes, the untapped power that lies within you. Now, child, it's time you awakened that power and realized your full potential.
Prime - Maleficent 6★ Medal
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This page contains a list of quotes said by Sephiroth during the course of Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II.

Cutscene Quotes

Kingdom Hearts II

  • "What is Cloud doing?"
    to Sora and company when they arrive at the Dark Depths.
  • "By the way, you three... who are you?"
    slashing at Sora who jumps back in surprise.
  • "Well, that's an interesting sword you're carrying."
    to Sora when he draws his Keyblade.
  • "I see... so that's a Keyblade. And I suppose you must be its chosen wielder."
    after Donald tells him about the Keyblade.
  • "I wonder if it won't change it's mind—once I defeat you."
    preparing to attack Sora.
  • "I admit you're very skilled..."
    after his defeat.
  • "Did you give him my message?"
    to Sora after he returns from talking to Cloud.
  • "Cloud... you'll never let go of the darkness."
    to Cloud when he arrives to confront Sephiroth.
  • "You'll never let go of your past"
    to Cloud as the two prepare to battle.
  • "Absurd. Defeating me is meaningless. You know that more than anyone, Cloud."
    during the battle.
  • "No matter how many times I fall, your darkness keeps calling me back!"
    during the battle.
  • "You can't. He'll never let go of the darkness."
    to Tifa when she tries to help Cloud.
  • "Let's see what this light of yours can do."
    directing his attacks to Tifa.
  • "The light doesn't suit you."
    after Tifa offers Cloud her light.

Battle Quotes

Kingdom Hearts

  • "Come"
    taunting Sora.
  • "Out of my way"
    using Stigma.
  • "Descend, Heartless Angel!"
    using Heartless Angel.
  • "I'm... the chosen one!"
    entering his third attack phase.
  • "I will lead you to the Promised Land"
    beginning Super Nova.
  • "The Planet and I are to be one!"
    beginning Super Nova.
  • "That was true power"
    finishing Super Nova.
  • "Come power!"
    beginning Omnislash.
  • "Prepare yourself!"
    beginning Omnislash.
  • "No mercy"
    ending Omnislash.
  • "No more games... show me what you've got!"
    ending Omnislash.
  • "Dodge this!"
    using Whirlwind Slashes.
  • "Meet your fate"
    using Whirlwind Slashes.
  • "The Planet... it has failed me"
    upon defeat.

Kingdom Hearts II

  • "Show me your strength"
    beginning the battle.
  • "That's enough"
    about to use Flash.
  • "Give in to the Dark"
    using Shadow Flare.
  • "Perish, NOW!"
    using Stigma.
  • "Know your place"
    entering his second attack phase.
  • "Descend... Heartless Angel"
    using Heartless Angel.
  • "All shall be one with me"
    entering his third attack phase.
  • "The time has come. Let us make the future!"
    beginning his Meteor attack.
  • "Descend into darkness!"
    ending his Meteor attack.
  • "What's wrong? Are you scared?"
    - if Sora is a far distance from him.
  • "What intriguing power..."
    upon defeat.