Yes, the untapped power that lies within you. Now, child, it's time you awakened that power and realized your full potential.
Prime - Maleficent 6★ Medal
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This page contains a list of quotes said by Jasmine during the course of Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II.

Cutscene Quotes

Kingdom Hearts

  • "Who’s there? Hello?"
    before showing herself.
  • "I’m Jasmine. My father is the sultan of Agrabah."
    introducing herself to Sora and company.
  • "You haven’t heard of him? He’s the royal vizier. He’s gained evil powers and seized Agrabah. He’s desperately looking for something—something he calls the ”Keyhole.” Jafar caught me trying to escape, but he helped me."
    talking about Jafar.
  • "I’m so sorry, Aladdin."
    to Aladdin.
  • "Sora, please hurry! Darkness is pouring from the Keyhole."
    talking to Sora and company in Hollow Bastion.
  • "Can you feel the immense power flowing from the Keyhole?"
    - Talking to Sora.
  • "But I can feel a powerful darkness growing somewhere far away."
    talking to Sora and company in Hollow Bastion.

Kingdom Hearts II

  • "Sora! Donald! Goofy!"
    upon meeting Sora and company.
  • "I never had the chance to thank you for before. You helped Aladdin defeat that awful Jafar and saved Agrabah."
    talking to Sora and company.
  • "I'm not sure. Usually, he's the same cheerful Aladdin. But sometimes...he just seems sad. He leaves the palace and goes off by himself all the time. I've asked him about it, but he says nothing's wrong. He's gone again today. What if he doesn't come back this time?"
    talking about Aladdin.
  • "Iago! Quick, Sora, catch him!"
    upon seeing Iago.
  • "Oh, I think Iago's shown that he means well."
    talking about Iago.
  • "Will you be back?"
    upon Sora and company leaving.
  • "Just wait, Jafar! You'll get exactly what's coming to you!"
    talking to Jafar.

Battle Quotes

Kingdom Hearts

  • "Aladdin!"
    while trapped inside Pot Centipede.
  • "Help!"
    while trapped insde Pot Centipede.