This User is INACTIVE very busy due to real life, but you can contact him anyways...

Heyy everyone~ Welcome to my user page! My name is JR, and nice to meet you! If you want to contact me, leave a message in my talk page and I'll try my best to reply. xD


  • I am male
  • I am 13
  • I love the Kingdom Hearts series
  • I like to read and write
  • I live in Thailand
  • I am a professional English (and Thai) Speaker
  • I am Thai-American-Irish-Chinese
  • My birthday is on the 22nd of August
  • My favorite color is blue and yellow
  • I like to draw
  • I love fanfictions :D
  • I'm Buddhist
  • I also speak some Japanese, and French
  • I can read, write, and speak Korean, but I do not understand Korean.

Kingdom Hearts

If you're asking of how I met the Kingdom Hearts series, I have just the right answer. A few years ago, I was exploring the final fantasy wiki until I met something. I was on the Tidus page. My sister was playing with her beach ball, and it accidentally hit my hand, making me scroll down to the bottom of the page, and boom! I saw that article about Kingdom Hearts. I was then introduced to the KHWiki and I told my dad about how Disney was also in it. My dad bought me a KH game on my birthday and I actually got addicted to it. Thanks to my sister I'm on this Wiki :D


"Y'know why I'm always up so early and sleeping so fast? My friggin' timezone is UTC+7:00."

I use my tablet, so I'm online always most of the time.

Summer Break

On summer break, I am free almost all of the time.

  • Monday to Friday: 2:00AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday to Sunday: 2:00-3:00AM, 8:00AM - 5:00 PM

August - May

I... have school.

  • Monday to Friday: 9:00AM - 5:00PM
  • Saturday to Sunday: 2:00-3:00AM, 8:00AM -4:00PM


To contact me, go to: