Hi im karla im a kh loving girl im 16 and i love dragons. Im also a pokemon master. I also love dresses and skyrim. Im from flipnote hatena...or was till it was shutdown...My favorite organization member is Axel i just love how he cares for his true friends but not for his friend thats a jurk by that i mean isa(Saïx)...so far my favorite kingdom hearts game is 3D dream drop distance. if anyone wants to be friends just ask me by user talk or e-mail. my e-mail is wolfy.sierra@gmail.com cause i love making new friends..and if you need help on the elder scrolls V: SKYRIM just e-mail me cause i know a lot about it. Also im very childish sometimes but more babyish sometimes....by that i mean...alot of the times i like being a baby and still wish i could of stayed a baby don't judge me. I have a 3ds, ps2, ps3, wii, and a dsixl. Sorry i haven't done anything to help the wiki i just have no clue of what to do so sorry. baby_zpsd8dde731.gif KAS_zpse389d48f.gif medal-plus_zps111e5208.gif gold_zps035fdd5b.gif --K.A.S. 13:42, 10 October 2013 (UTC)