User:Auror Andrachome/The Coded: Difference between revisions

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<div class="usermessage"><center>[[Special:Random|Be with me forever, {{USERNAME}}.]]</center></div>
<div class="usermessage"><center>[[Special:Random|Be with me forever, {{USERNAME}}.]]</center></div>
<div class="usermessage"><center>[[Special:Random|Please read this letter I wrote to you, {{USERNAME}}.]]</center></div>
<div class="usermessage"><center>[[Special:Random|Please read this letter I wrote to you, {{USERNAME}}.]]</center></div>
==August 8, 2010==
Very important to remember:
[19:19] == testicles [bee89ac2@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts
[19:19] <testicles> testicles
[19:19] <testicles> testicles
[19:19] <testicles> testicles
[19:20] <testicles> testiclkes
[19:20] <testicles> testicles
[19:20] <Dhaliarosa> >.>
[19:20] <Azul81677> oh jeezus
[19:20] <testicles> testicles
[19:20] <testicles> testicules
[19:20] == Azul81677 [60eb6c24@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Changing host]
[19:20] == Azul81677 [60eb6c24@wikia/Azul81677] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts
[19:20] <testicles> teticles
[19:20] <testicles> testicles
[19:20] == mode/#wikia-kingdomhearts [+o Azul81677] by ChanServ
[19:20] <Dhaliarosa> Please don't vandalize this IRC
[19:20] <testicles> testicle
[19:20] <testicles> testicles
[19:20] <Dhaliarosa> STOP
[19:20] <testicles> testicles
[19:20] == testicles was kicked from #wikia-kingdomhearts by Azul81677 [testicles]
[19:20] <Dhaliarosa> >.> Who the heck was that....
[19:21] <@Azul81677> save the IP and the other stuff
[19:21] <Dhaliarosa> K
Incident logged for later
