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UxieLover1994 Cuando la vida te da las herramientas, a construir motos libración — 12:05, 8 September 2011 (UTC)
I'm concerned for the forms for Donald's staffs and Goofy's shields in Halloween Town, Timeless River and Space Paranoids. We've already got the forums for most (if not all) of Sora's Keyblades, so how about his friends?
I'm currently at Space Paranoids, and I can see that Sora's Gull Wing takes on a differnt appearance. So does Donald's Shaman's Relic and Goofy's Ogre Shield (these are my currently equiped weapons). If anybody can get the pictures of the weapons for this wiki, I will be greatful.
ShardofTruth Once you believe, truth and lie are quite the same thing. — 12:32, 8 September 2011 (UTC)
I feel addressed by this topic, so I will post my thoughts about this matter:-)
Firstly it's 100% possible to make these images but it will be alot (and I mean alot) of work and it doesn't end there, it's complicated to get good results too.
We're talking about (11+10)*2*4=168 new images here (thats 11 for KHII +10 for KHIIFM for Goofy and Donald and in normal/TR/HT/SP variations). But the amount is not the real problem. The real problem is to get the right pose (meaning they should look similiar to item images we have now) for the 4 variations. The keyblades were easier on that matter, because you just needed a front view, but the shield and staff images have a more three-dimensional approach.
So without a clever or fast solution for this problem it's a Sisyphean task.
UxieLover1994 Nya? — 12:43, 8 September 2011 (UTC)
Well, they are not actually needed ASAP, but they are needed, just in case. I understand that this could take months, but it's better to take your time than to rush, don't you think?
ShardofTruth Once you believe, truth and lie are quite the same thing. — 14:40, 22 May 2013 (UTC)
Done and done, it's not perfect but I did my best to match the official renders and keep the pose for the different variations.
UxieLover1994 Nya? — 15:57, 22 May 2013 (UTC)
Thanks. And like I said, it took months to get them all. Even I was starting to forget about this...