Barrel Spider

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Barrel Spiders are enemies from Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts:Chain of Memories. They are similar looking to the Pot Spider.

Journal Entry

Kingdom Hearts

"Gunpowder barrel turned Heartless. They charge into their enemies and explode. Any physical impact or fire will set them off."

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

"A gunpowder-packed barrle transformed by the darkness into a Heartless.
The Barrel Spider sets upon anyone foolish enough to think it's an ordinary barrel."


see:Barrel Spider (Enemy Card)

Similarities to Final Fantasy

The Barrel Spiders are very similar to the many diffirent mimics of the final fantasy series, such as the Mimic from Final Fantasy IX (9) that pretends to be a treasure chest, and when you go to open it a fight ensues. The Barrel Spider works in similar ways but due toKingdom Hearts' battle system, they just pop out when you walk by them.

See Also