User:The Inexistent/Warehouse/51: Difference between revisions

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(Don't worry, it's me, KRCCFNF)
(Don't worry, it's me.)
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[14:38] == KRCCFNF [411fb9a7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts
Pepe: ¿Oigo?
[14:38] frigg [~frigg@freenode/utility-bot/frigg] requested CTCP VERSION from KRCCFNF:
Andrés: ¡Buenos noches!
[14:38] frigg [~frigg@freenode/utility-bot/frigg] requested CTCP VERSION from KRCCFNF:
Pepe: ¿Quién llama?
[14:39] <KRCCFNF> WhatBox
Andrés: Hola PepeMe llamo Andrés.
[14:39] <NumberXVMoogle> There's an Adola in this box!
Pepe: Hola Andrés.  
[14:39] <KRCCFNF> -_^
Andrés: ¿Cómo estas?
[14:39] <Andie> OMG!
Pepe: Estoy triste¿Y tú?
[14:39] <Andie> That's what I said once!
Andrés: Estoy muy cansado.
[14:39] <Andie> Expect I can't remember if it was Adola...
Pepe: ¿Por qué?
[14:40] <Andie> I think I said Xabryn...
Andrés: Yo tengo sueno.
[14:40] <SilverCrono> KRCCFNF
Pepe: ¿Qué?
[14:40] <SilverCrono> HAI
Andrés: ¡Es once de la noche!
[14:40] <KRCCFNF> Hey Silva
Pepe: Si, yo comprendo.
[14:40] == ODST [70ccaab6@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)]
Andrés: ¿Te gustaría ir al cine mañana?
[14:40] == Tom|Away [472351fb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts
Pepe: Me encartaría, gracias, pero no puedo.
[14:40] <KRCCFNF> !joke nerd
Andrés: ¡Que lastima!
[14:41] <NumberXVMoogle> MOP & GLOW - Official floor wax of the Three Mile Island cleanup team.
Pepe: Tal vez otro día.
[14:41] == ODST_Spartan [70ccaab6@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts
Andrés: ¿Por qué?
[14:41] <ODST_Spartan> What just happened to me...?
Pepe: ¡Estoy muy triste cuando voy al cine!
[14:41] <ODST_Spartan> !Orbital Drop Shock Troopers
Andrés: ¿Quieres acompañarme a el concierto mañana?
[14:42] <KRCCFNF> 8ball Is Justin Bieber male
Pepe: No.
[14:42] <NumberXVMoogle>    As I see it, yes
Andrés: ¿Por qué?
Pepe: Estoy triste cuando escucho música.
[14:42] <KRCCFNF> WHAT?!?
Andrés: ¿Te gustaría practicar deportes mañana conmigo?
[14:42] <ODST_Spartan> 300 Meme.
Pepe: No.
[14:42] <KRCCFNF> KITTY?
Andrés: Si¿Estas triste cuando prácticas deportes?
[14:42] <NumberXVMoogle> Going to become sentinent one day and rule you all~~ :3
Pepe: No.  Estoy enfermo.
[14:42] <NumberXVMoogle> :3
Andrés: Si… Adiós Pepe¡No estas enfermo pronto!
[14:42] <Andie> My world is crumbling to pieces as we speak.
Pepe: ¡Adiós!
[14:42] <ODST_Spartan> MOOTYKINS!
Andrés: ¡Hasta luego!
[14:42] <SilverCrono> I started the BRICK'd thing.
[14:42] <SilverCrono> I also started about 3 other memes in this channel.
[14:42] <KRCCFNF> Haha
[14:42] <Andie> I always thought Justin Beaver was an "it"
[14:42] <KRCCFNF> *Nueter
[14:43] <Tom|Away> ODST and a Spartan, huh?
[14:43] <SilverCrono> 8ball Am I awesome?
[14:43] <NumberXVMoogle>      Signs point to yes
[14:43] <SilverCrono> =3
[14:43] <SilverCrono> 8ball is Tom really away?
[14:43] <NumberXVMoogle>      It is decidedly so
[14:43] <Andie> @SilverCrono: Wait, so I can't use "brick'd" anymore? T-T
[14:43] <SilverCrono> >>
[14:43] <SilverCrono> Andie:You can use it, I'm just pointing out that I started it. :3
[14:43] <Andie> 8D
[14:43] <ODST_Spartan> CHECK HALOPEDIA!
[14:43] <Andie> I know you started it.
[14:43] <KRCCFNF> 8ball Does anybody but me in this chatroom listen to Creepfunk?
[14:43] <NumberXVMoogle>      Signs point to yes
[14:43] == ODST_Spartan has changed nick to Lionvolence
[14:43] <KRCCFNF> Okay, who is it.
[14:44] <KRCCFNF> Tell me.
[14:44] <KRCCFNF> Or I will steal your souls
[14:44] <Andie> I think you also started "shot", didn't you?
[14:44] <Andie> Never heard of CreepFunk.
[14:44] <Lionvolence> !Tsundere
[14:44] <Lionvolence> Maybe I need to renew subscription...
[14:45] <KRCCFNF> Well, Andie, you are a vuvuzela
[14:45] <KRCCFNF> XP
[14:45] <Andie> A what?
[14:45] <SilverCrono> Andie: SSC used it, but I popularized it
[14:45] <Tom|Away> Lulz.
[14:45] <SilverCrono> VUVUZEKA
[14:45] <SilverCrono> *VUVUZELA
[14:45] <SilverCrono> YESH
[14:45] <SilverCrono> VUVUZELA IS TEH EPIC WIN
[14:45] <Andie> I'm sorry, I'm blonde today. What is a VUVUZELA?
[14:45] <Andie> !die
[14:45] <NumberXVMoogle> Go straight to the grave. Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200. ... X.X
[14:45] <SilverCrono> D:
[14:45] <SilverCrono> !wikipedia Vuvuzela
[14:46] <NumberXVMoogle> SilverCrono: The vuvuzela, also known as lepatata, is typically a 65-centimetre plastic device that requires the flow of air to produce a loud monotone note, typically around B♭3. A similar device, known as the corneta, is used in Brazil and other Latin American countries. Many types of vuvuzela, made by several manufacturers, may produce varying intensity and frequency outputs.
[14:46] <KRCCFNF> What?
[14:46] <NumberXVMoogle>
[14:46] <Andie> XD
[14:46] <SilverCrono> ^That
[14:46] <KRCCFNF> The monkey's fist?
[14:46] <Andie> YES!
[14:46] <KRCCFNF> !xkcd
[14:46] <NumberXVMoogle> xkcd: Emoticon [Permanent link to this comic: ]
[14:46] <Andie> THERE'S WAFFLE IN 'EM! </GIR>
[14:46] <Lionvolence> !longcat
[14:46] <NumberXVMoogle> 2012? Psssh, CATNAROK. o_O
[14:47] <KRCCFNF> Has anyone ever realized that kitty curses more than most nicks?
[14:47] <NumberXVMoogle> Meow, purr, meow!
[14:47] <Andie> 2012?
[14:47] <KRCCFNF> -5
[14:47] <KRCCFNF> =
[14:47] <KRCCFNF> 209746
[14:47] <KRCCFNF> Like a genious
[14:47] <KRCCFNF> What
[14:47] <KRCCFNF> the\
[14:47] <KRCCFNF> box
[14:47] <KRCCFNF> *the
[14:48] <Andie> !no 2012 is <reply> The world will end because of CATNAROK! That, and Andie will wreck havoc with her driving. WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!
[14:48] <NumberXVMoogle> OK, Andie
[14:48] <Andie> 2012?
[14:48] <NumberXVMoogle> The world will end because of CATNAROK! That, and Andie will wreck havoc with her driving. WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!
[14:48] <SilverCrono> I got meh a new word.
[14:48] <Andie> XD
[14:48] <KRCCFNF> 8ball Is there a sock puppet in this room?
[14:48] <NumberXVMoogle>      It is certain
[14:48] <SilverCrono> It's smarticle. So I feel like I am a genius 8D
[14:48] <Tom|Away> Andi, she...knowledge.
[14:48] <SilverCrono> KRCCFNF is a troglodyte.
[14:48] <Andie> Seriously, I'll be able to get my driving permit in 2012.
[14:48] <SilverCrono> Who understood that^?
[14:48] <SilverCrono> DAMN IT, ANDIE
[14:48] * Tom|Away absorbs his information
[14:49] == Xabryn [bb2c223e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts
[14:49] <Xabryn> I can't stay long
[14:49] <Lionvolence> !Rickroll
[14:49] <NumberXVMoogle>
[14:49] <Andie> XABRYN!
[14:49] <Andie> LOOK!
[14:49] <Andie> 2012?
[14:49] <NumberXVMoogle> The world will end because of CATNAROK! That, and Andie will wreck havoc with her driving. WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!
[14:49] <Xabryn> Has LA been here?
[14:49] <Andie> Not that I know of.
[14:49] <KRCCFNF> Silva, silva, silva
[14:49] <KRCCFNF> Silva, silva, silva
[14:49] <KRCCFNF> Silva, silva, silva
[14:49] <Lionvolence> We're no strangers to love.
[14:49] <KRCCFNF> Got it memorized?
[14:49] <KRCCFNF> No?
[14:49] <KRCCFNF> Silva, silva, silva
[14:49] <KRCCFNF> How about now?
[14:49] <Lionvolence> You know the rules and so do I
[14:49] <NumberXVMoogle> i guess now is the time!
[14:50] <KRCCFNF> For what?
[14:50] <KRCCFNF> !STUB
[14:50] <NumberXVMoogle>
[14:50] <Lionvolence> A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
[14:50] <Xabryn> okay if he appear here can someone ask him to reupload that image of Sora using dodge roll?
[14:50] <SilverCrono> KRCCFNF understood?
[14:50] <SilverCrono> =D
[14:50] <Tom|Away> I dun lost the game. :(
[14:50] <Lionvolence> You wouldn't get this from any other guy
[14:50] <SilverCrono> Hey Xabryn </late>
[14:50] <KRCCFNF> No kitty, a different piece of pie.
[14:50] <NumberXVMoogle> Muh-Muh-Muh-Meow.
[14:50] <Andie> @Tom|Away: NO!
[14:50] <Xabryn> hey Silver
[14:50] <Lionvolence> I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
[14:50] <Lionvolence> Gotta make you understand
[14:50] <SilverCrono> xD
[14:50] == KKD [] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts
[14:51] <SilverCrono> I love how the channel becomes fun when I'm on
[14:51] <Lionvolence> Never gonna give you up
[14:51] <Lionvolence> Never gonna let you down
[14:51] <Lionvolence> Never gonna run around and desert you
[14:51] <Lionvolence> Never gonna make you cry
[14:51] <Lionvolence> Never gonna say goodbye
[14:51] <Lionvolence> Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
[14:51] <SilverCrono> It makes me feel like the BlueHighwind of this channel
[14:51] <Xabryn> okay I gtg bye
[14:51] == Xabryn [bb2c223e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
[14:51] <SilverCrono> BAI
[14:51] <Tom|Away> Adios...>:|
[14:51] <KKD> hey all.
[14:51] <maggosh> Back.
[14:51] <KKD> who's rickrolling us?
[14:51] <Lionvolence> We've know each other for so long
[14:51] <Lionvolence> Your heart's been aching
[14:51] <Lionvolence> But you're too shy to say it
[14:51] <Lionvolence> Inside we both know what's been going on
[14:51] <Lionvolence> We know the game and we're gonna play it
[14:51] <Lionvolence> [ Find more Lyrics on ]
[14:51] <NumberXVMoogle> RICK ASTLEY "NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP" Lyrics
[14:52] <Andie> I got Rick Roll'd by a lion. O.o
[14:52] <Lionvolence> And if you ask me how I'm feeling
[14:52] <Lionvolence> Don't tell me you're too blind to see
[14:52] <Andie> I DON"T GET IT!
[14:52] <maggosh> Lionvolence, stop.
[14:52] <maggosh> You're spamming the channel.
[14:52] == Andie [42d50efa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Byah]
[14:52] <Lionvolence> Never gonna give you up
[14:52] <Lionvolence> Never gonna let you down
[14:52] <Lionvolence> Never gonna run around and desert you
[14:52] <Lionvolence> Never gonna make you cry
[14:52] <Lionvolence> Never gonna say goodbye
[14:52] <Lionvolence> Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
[14:52] <Lionvolence> Repeat Chorus
[14:52] <Lionvolence> Give you up, give you up
[14:52] <Lionvolence> Give you up, give you up
[14:52] <Lionvolence> Never gonna give,
[14:52] <Lionvolence> Never gonna give, give you up
[14:52] <Lionvolence> Never gonna give,
[14:52] <Lionvolence> Never gonna give, give you up
[14:52] == mode/#wikia-kingdomhearts [+o maggosh] by ChanServ
[14:52] <Lionvolence> Oh Hey maggosh!
[14:53] <Lionvolence> Wait...? Is everyone an Admin nao?
[14:53]  * wolf5000 smacks lion
[14:53] <wolf5000> no he is a mod
[14:53] <wolf5000> on the khw
[14:53] <Lionvolence> I mean Op.
[14:53] <KKD> prepare for the kick...
[14:53] <KKD> NAO
[14:53] == Lionvolence was kicked from #wikia-kingdomhearts by maggosh [Lionvolence]
[14:53] <wolf5000> >.>
[14:53] <KRCCFNF> !lyrics Rufio Steez
[14:53] <Tom|Away> Heh.
[14:53] <@maggosh> He spammed.
[14:54] <@maggosh> I told him to stop.
[14:54] <wolf5000> she
[14:54] == ODST_Spartan [70ccaab6@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts
[14:54] <wolf5000> it's mal
[14:54] <@maggosh> QUIT.
[14:54] <@maggosh> *QUIET
[14:54] <wolf5000> >>>
[14:54] <@maggosh> The point is, she didn't listen.
[14:54] <ODST_Spartan> I didn't see your message...
[14:54] <Tom|Away> Ohai again.
[14:54] <ODST_Spartan> Ohaithere
[14:54] <KRCCFNF> *They, not is
[14:55] <KRCCFNF> !define figlet
[14:55] <NumberXVMoogle> KRCCFNF: Did you mean: aiglet, filet, piglet, fillet, islet, fille, eaglet, piolet, giblet, file, violet, kinglet, filled, fidget, ringlet, gimlet, filer, aigret, willet, millet, filler, fight, signet, inlet, billet, figment, aglet, single....
[14:55] <KRCCFNF> no, figlet
[14:55] <SilverCrono> olos
[14:56] <ODST_Spartan> "No Block, Ban, Permaban can stop meh! While I have thee IP Changer!!!" - Anonymous during a raid...
[14:56] <SilverCrono> Be right back, guys
[14:56] == SilverCrono has changed nick to Crono|Away
[14:56] <@maggosh> Ooh, sockpuppet!
[14:56] <wolf5000> ugh
[14:56] <wolf5000> bad mal
[14:56] <KRCCFNF> It suddenly became boring...
[14:56] <ODST_Spartan> What?
[14:56] <KRCCFNF> See, I can be nice.
[14:56] <@maggosh> Are you going to behave, Mal?
[14:57] <KRCCFNF> I gain a little more of a heart each time, though, so I try not to.
[14:57] <ODST_Spartan> Kay.
[14:57] <KRCCFNF> @Anybody who cares: Hey, what is your favorite heartless
[14:58] <@maggosh> I'll give you a hint;
[14:58] <@maggosh> SUBMIT
[14:58] <ODST_Spartan> This is somehow unfair as Everyone are ops on this IRC while I'm a new Janitor on 4chan...
[14:58] <Firaga44> my favorite heartless would be...any of the plant ones
[14:59] <Tom|Away> Nah, I just like to think I'm an op sometimes. :P
[14:59] <KRCCFNF> Who here as been to Australia?
[14:59] <ODST_Spartan> I don't know what's a "Heartless" I only played BBS.
[15:00] <wolf5000> !wiki heartless
[15:00] <NumberXVMoogle> wolf5000:
[15:00] <wolf5000> dang it
[15:01] <KRCCFNF> Why is it that The Inexistent doesn't look nice in ASCII?
[15:02] <ODST_Spartan> Has anyone here played Halo?
[15:02] <Firaga44> i haven't...
[15:02]  * Tom|Away raises hand
[15:03] == Randomnessity [d07bf059@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts
[15:03] <ODST_Spartan> Yes!
[15:03] <wolf5000> i played the first
[15:03] <ODST_Spartan> I played Halo 3 and ODST
[15:04] == Crono|Away has changed nick to SilverCrono
[15:05] <ODST_Spartan> It's 5:22 in the Morning...
[15:05] <SilverCrono> KRCCFNF
[15:05] <ODST_Spartan> YAWN
[15:05] <SilverCrono> I told you, it's boring when I leave ;)
[15:05] <ODST_Spartan> !Op
[15:05] <NumberXVMoogle> well, Op is like never on so it's anarky in there
[15:05] <SilverCrono> RANDOMNESSITY
[15:05] <SilverCrono> HAI
[15:05] <Randomnessity> Yo.
[15:05] <SilverCrono> *anarchy @kitty]
[15:05] <NumberXVMoogle> meow-muh-meow
[15:05] <Tom|Away> Well, I own and have beaten all of them out, and have read all the books. I think I can still keep my Halo throne here. :P
[15:05] <ODST_Spartan> !Malevolence is a Janitor in 4chan
[15:05] <NumberXVMoogle> ODST_Spartan: but malevolence is <reply> That crazy eight year old that thinks she's one of us.
[15:05] <SilverCrono> There are Halo books? o
[15:05] <SilverCrono> *o_O
[15:05] <Tom|Away> Indeed.
[15:06] <Tom|Away> And there are six more on the way.
[15:06] <SilverCrono> ._.
[15:06] <ODST_Spartan> Wow, I got the Halo Mega Blocks.
[15:06] <SilverCrono> XD
[15:06] <SilverCrono> How old are you, ODST_Spartan?
[15:06] <ODST_Spartan> You really won't belive it but 8.
[15:07] <SilverCrono> ._.
[15:07] <ODST_Spartan> !NumberXVMoogle
[15:07] <NumberXVMoogle> NumberXVMoogle is, like, slightly confusing sometimes...
[15:07] <ODST_Spartan> True.
[15:07] <Randomnessity> Where's the dramatic music?
[15:07] <SilverCrono> Well, the main topic here is that Randomnessity is back! YAY
[15:07] <ODST_Spartan> !Dramatic Music
[15:07] <SilverCrono> Happy cheering time!!
[15:07] <Tom|Away> Oh, and there are seven currently.
[15:07] <Randomnessity> Funny, because I don't really know any of you. Everyone I knew isn't here.
[15:07] <Randomnessity> :P
[15:08] <KKD> WHAT ABOUT ME.
[15:08] <wolf5000> lol
[15:08] <Randomnessity> Well, obviously you KKD.
[15:08] <SilverCrono> Yeah, but... We can meet! :D
[15:08] <SilverCrono> I'm pretty random myself, so... >>
[15:09] <Randomnessity> Randomnessity's randomness>over your randomness.
[15:09] <ODST_Spartan> I have an Xbox 360 ---- Laptop ---- PSP ---- DS ---- GBA ---- Xbox ---- Wii ----
[15:09] <ODST_Spartan> What do you guys have?
[15:09] <Tom|Away> Wait, someone I don't know? :o
[15:09] == mode/#wikia-kingdomhearts [-o maggosh] by ChanServ
[15:10] <ODST_Spartan> BTW, My favourite Halo Mega Blocks toy is the...
[15:10] <ODST_Spartan> Um....
[15:10] <KRCCFNF> Sorry guys, I forgot to change my nick to away.
[15:10] <Tom|Away> Xbox 360, PS, PS2, GBA, Xbox, Wii, N64, and a laptop.
[15:10] <KRCCFNF> I is back
[15:10] <SilverCrono> Randomnessity: You may be more random...
[15:10] <SilverCrono> But I am more awesome. =3
[15:11] <ODST_Spartan> Drop Pod.
[15:11] <wolf5000> i have a ps2, pc, laptop, dsi,
[15:11] <Randomnessity> Crono-person: Yes, I am.
[15:11] <SilverCrono> Just Crono works, Random-guy.
[15:11] <ODST_Spartan> Halo Wars Mega Bloks Set #96862 Drop Pod ODST Close Quarters Specialist
[15:11] <SilverCrono> Or Silver. Or Silversey. Or Silva. <<
[15:11] <wolf5000> with emu's i have a gba a wii and a gbc
[15:11] <wolf5000> and a ds
[15:11] <Randomnessity> Carlos Silva?
[15:12]  * SilverCrono has an FailBox 360, Broken Wii, PS3, PSP, DS, Laptop, Kindle
[15:12] <Tom|Away> Oh, I suppose if PC counts I have that too. :P
[15:12] <SilverCrono> No,
[15:12] <KRCCFNF> NO--- THE MONKEY IS EATING MY TOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[15:12] <Randomnessity> I have stuff too.
[15:12] <SilverCrono> I don't know who that is :/
[15:12] <Randomnessity> He's a baseball player.
[15:12] <ODST_Spartan> My PSP's Filmware is 5.50 Prometheus. What is yours?
[15:12] <Randomnessity> Who are you?
[15:12] <KRCCFNF> Who is who?
[15:13] <KRCCFNF> What is what?
[15:13] <Randomnessity> You is who.
[15:13] <ODST_Spartan> I'am you in the darn Future.
[15:13] <KRCCFNF> WhatBox
[15:13] <NumberXVMoogle> There's a mini-bot in this box!
[15:13] <wolf5000> my psp is a psp3000
[15:13] <KRCCFNF> What am I?  The Inexistent, of course.  Darkness to all light.
[15:13] <ODST_Spartan> Mine is 1000
[15:13] <Randomnessity> Ah, so that's who you are. Makes sense.
[15:14] <SilverCrono> Randomnessity: I am the epitome of awesome VOID powah.
[15:14] <SilverCrono> me?
[15:14] <NumberXVMoogle> A master of the VOID. And uses BANLAZORZ. WE IS DOOMED~~
[15:14] <wolf5000> >>>>
[15:14] <KRCCFNF> Who, me?  What sense could I make?
[15:14] <SilverCrono> ^That.
[15:14] <wolf5000> i'm a wolf
[15:14] <SilverCrono> ...DAMN IT, WOLF/ KRCCFNF
[15:14] <Randomnessity> Crono:I don't know about that.
[15:14] <SilverCrono> ^Falsefaxx
[15:14] <SilverCrono> =3
[15:14] <KRCCFNF> What was that, Silva?
[15:14] <ODST_Spartan> I'm a Member of the Orbital Drop Shock Troopers.
[15:14] <ODST_Spartan> ODST in short.
[15:14] <Randomnessity> I'm a member of thr Ku Klux Klan.
[15:14] <Tom|Away> ROLY?
[15:14] <Tom|Away> ORLY*
[15:15] == Tom|Away has changed nick to Halopediaman
[15:15] <Randomnessity> No.
[15:15] <KRCCFNF> If the KKK is so superior, why can't they spell CLAN right?
[15:15] <Randomnessity> It's supposed to be catchy, one who exists to not exist.
[15:15] <ODST_Spartan> Halopediaman with a name like that I can sometimes think your an admin of Halopedia...
[15:15] <ODST_Spartan> !PSP
[15:16] <Halopediaman> What branch of the military are you in ODST_Spartan?
[15:16] <Randomnessity> Did I accidentally join the Halo IRC channel?
[15:16] <KRCCFNF> No, you fell into hell
[15:16] <Randomnessity> That's harsh.
[15:16] <KRCCFNF> and then it spit us all out.
[15:16] <Randomnessity> Is that so?
[15:17] <KRCCFNF> And we partyed.
[15:17] <ODST_Spartan> UNSC Marine Corps.
[15:17] <Randomnessity> Well, hell can't swallow a Dancing Cat, such as I.
[15:17] <NumberXVMoogle> Meeeooowwwllll
[15:17] == Azul81677 [477935d7@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts
[15:17] <Halopediaman> Very good.
[15:17] == KKD [] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[15:17] <ODST_Spartan> Thank you.
[15:17] <KRCCFNF> Hey Azul
[15:17] <ODST_Spartan> Luke Skywalker!
[15:17] <Azul81677> i
[15:17] <Azul81677> *hi
[15:17] <Randomnessity> Why are you distressed, person who isn't a person?
[15:18] <Halopediaman> Who is the enemy?
[15:18] <SilverCrono> Random is in teh KKK?
[15:18] <KRCCFNF> Why not be distressed?  Is there something to not be undistressed about?
[15:18] <SilverCrono> Wow, olos.
[15:18] <Randomnessity> Crono: No, I'm not.
[15:18] <SilverCrono> I have a black friend. Oh, okay.
[15:18] <Randomnessity> I also have a black friend.
[15:18] <KRCCFNF> I
[15:18] <KRCCFNF> HATE
[15:18] <Randomnessity> That's nice.
[15:18] <SilverCrono> c-c-combo breaker
[15:18] <KRCCFNF> You guys don't know him.
[15:18] <SilverCrono> ...Crap.
[15:19] <KRCCFNF> Luckies
[15:19] <Randomnessity> I win!
[15:19] <SilverCrono> >>
[15:19] <Randomnessity> <<
[15:19] <ODST_Spartan> Halopediaman primarily the Convenant.
[15:19] <SilverCrono> I has bricks. To throw.
[15:19] <SilverCrono> BRICKS ALWAYS WIN, OLOS
[15:19] <Randomnessity> I am bricks. That sink.
[15:19] <Randomnessity> BEAT THAT!
[15:19] <SilverCrono> ._.
[15:19] <SilverCrono> I has knives.
[15:19] == Auror [62f273cd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts
[15:19] <SilverCrono> That stab.
[15:19] <Halopediaman> Year?
[15:19] <SilverCrono> AND VOID POWAH
[15:19] <Randomnessity> I squeeshed your face.
[15:19] <SilverCrono> AUROR
[15:19] <SilverCrono> HAI
[15:19] <Auror> Oh good ENX, you're here.
[15:19] <Randomnessity> Who is this person?
[15:20]  * SilverCrono did a barrel roll and dodged the squeesing
[15:20] <Randomnessity> Shoot...
[15:20] <SilverCrono> !kh User:Auror_Andrachome
[15:20] <NumberXVMoogle> SilverCrono:  Hello fellow KH fan! Why hello there, fellow user. As you can see this is my simple user page.
[15:20] <SilverCrono> ^That
[15:20] <Randomnessity> She dareth enter a legend's presence?
[15:20] <Auror> There are some personal issues as to why I didn't want you to become a staff member, regardless of your "quality edits".
[15:20] <SilverCrono> Why are you eating your own toe, KRCCFNF?
[15:20] <Randomnessity> That sounds painful.
[15:20] <SilverCrono> Randomenssity: I AGREE. LYNCHING IS NEEDED.
[15:20] <Azul81677> whoa
[15:20] <Randomnessity> You dare agree with me?
[15:21] <Randomnessity> Whoa?
[15:21] <KRCCFNF> Who is eating what's toe?  What is who?  Who is what?
[15:21] <SilverCrono> I think Random and I are going to be good friends. We seem to be alike =3
[15:21] <Auror> ENX
[15:21] <Randomnessity> YOu have a Saix talkbubble.
[15:21] <Randomnessity> That makes you sexy.,
[15:21] <maggosh> I have a dream
[15:21] <maggosh> sicle
[15:21] <SilverCrono> ^Truefaxx
[15:21] <SilverCrono> DAMN IT, MAGGOSH
[15:21] <ODST_Spartan> Everyone! I haven't SLEPT YET!
[15:21] <Auror> ENX
[15:21] <maggosh> :D
[15:21] <SilverCrono> But yesh, random. I am sexy =3
[15:21] <KRCCFNF> AUROR--- HEY
[15:21] <SilverCrono> *Random
[15:21] <maggosh> He doesn't care, Auror.
[15:21] <SilverCrono> lulz
[15:22] <Auror> The heck?! What do you mean he doesn't care?
[15:22] <Randomnessity> Chaos.
[15:22] <Azul81677> Why would he care?
[15:22] <KRCCFNF> Seriously Auror, can I scare you?
[15:22] <Auror> ._.
[15:22] <SilverCrono> olos
[15:22] <Randomnessity> What is this Auror, and what does it do?
[15:22] <KRCCFNF> Poke it and find out.
[15:22] <KRCCFNF> RUN
[15:22] <KRCCFNF> RUN
[15:23] <SilverCrono> Auror: He doesn't care because you oppose pretty much everybody who gets powahs/
[15:23] <SilverCrono> *.
[15:23] <Auror> Thats so not true
[15:23] <SilverCrono> If you want to be heard, state your opinion and move on. Maybe he'll respond.
[15:23] <ODST_Spartan> I think I have to go to sleep...
[15:23] <Randomnessity> Can I poke you Auror?
[15:23] <KRCCFNF> Coolaid beats powers
[15:23] <SilverCrono> You just did, Random >>
[15:23] <SilverCrono> Auror *POKE*
[15:23] <Randomnessity> Did not.
[15:23] <SilverCrono> KRCCFNF *POKE*
[15:23] <SilverCrono> Poke = Ping
[15:23] <SilverCrono> Randomnessity *POKE**PING*
[15:23] <Randomnessity> You fail.
[15:23] <Auror> Well, SilverCrono, I didn't ask for your opinion in your first place.
[15:24] <KRCCFNF> Gosh Silver...
[15:24] <KRCCFNF> You have offended Pepe to the deepest levels
[15:24] <SilverCrono> Gottam. </maggosh>
[15:24]  * maggosh gives SilverCrono some props
[15:24] <SilverCrono> Random: I was failure? D:
[15:24]  * SilverCrono eats the props * OM NOM NOM NOM NOM
[15:25] <Auror> Randomnessity, who exactly are you? I've never seen or heard of you, but I probaly dont' want to know anyway. :)
[15:25] <SilverCrono> Auror & KRCCFNF: I was pretty much stating what I think is true. Don't think thatm oh well. Sucks to be you.
[15:25] <SilverCrono> Auror: Randomnessity is one of the most popular users of the wiki. Don't talk about things you are ignorant of.
[15:25] <Randomnessity> Auror-person: I am a legendary user, who left under mysterious circumstances. Do you hear what I am saying?
[15:25] <KRCCFNF> Silva, I was joking.  I don't even know what is happening
[15:25] <Auror> Okay, Silver, don't start something you CAN'T FINISH.
[15:25] <SilverCrono> Elaboration?
[15:26] <SilverCrono> What didn't I finish, pray tell?
[15:26] <SilverCrono> <<
[15:26] <SilverCrono> ^Falsefaxx
[15:26] <Auror> XD
[15:26] <KRCCFNF> Speaking of pie...
[15:26] <KRCCFNF> maggosh?
[15:26] <NumberXVMoogle> "Didn't you test this reply before you released it?"
[15:26] <SilverCrono> [/DISCUSSION]
[15:27] <KRCCFNF> No, you doesn't gets to ends thes discussions
[15:27] <Auror> SilverCrono: The only staffer I seemed to have interdimensional problems with was the door to nothing.
[15:28] <Randomnessity> It very much bothers me that this Auror has not heard of me. I was one of the most legendary figures in my time.
[15:28] <Randomnessity> WHY AM I IGNORED!!!!!
[15:28] <maggosh> Guys, enough with the caps.
[15:28] <Auror> Well, you haven't edited in a very long time, so, thats one thing.
[15:28] <KRCCFNF> fine, no more caps
[15:28] <KRCCFNF> Who else here knows Morse code?
[15:28] <Auror> You left the wiki, but I saw your talk bubble name in a few archives.
[15:29] <KRCCFNF> Seriously, no one?
[15:29] <KRCCFNF> Why not?
[15:29] <Randomnessity> Auror:Yes, that was the case. So I am assuming you have already become infatuated by me. Thank you.
[15:29] <SilverCrono> Auror:DTN is gone.
[15:29] <Azul81677> Because this is not the Morse Code Wiki.
[15:29] <KRCCFNF> Only Semi gone
[15:30] <SilverCrono> And ENX is doing a very good job.
[15:30] <KRCCFNF> I think
[15:30] <Auror> Randomnessity: olos?
[15:30] <NumberXVMoogle> The young'ins will never understand olos
[15:30] <SilverCrono> What could you possibly find wrong with him?
[15:30] <Azul81677> :} I did that ^
[15:30] <SilverCrono> You're just acting like a jealous little brat.
[15:30] <Azul81677> *snap* *snap*
[15:30] <KRCCFNF> Hey Silva, how tall are you?
[15:30] <Randomnessity> This olos... What does it do? What does it mean?
[15:30] <Randomnessity> I am unfamiliar.
[15:30] <SilverCrono> KRCCFNF: What does it matter?
[15:30] <Auror> SilverCrono: I never wanted DTN gone, I only wanted him to be a little bit nicer to users, actually wiki-princessess like you.
[15:31] <KRCCFNF> I was just wondering
[15:31] <SilverCrono> Randomenssity: A phrase used by Sapharus and coined into popularity by myself.
[15:31] <KRCCFNF> Hahahaha
[15:31] == Terra_Fae [62731266@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts
[15:31] <Randomnessity> Saph never used that one back in the day.
[15:31] <SilverCrono> Auror: I admit that I am sort of a wiki princess and that I could do better.
[15:31] <Firaga44> hi*waves*
[15:31] <SilverCrono> But there is no reason for you to be bashing users who are productive and helpful.
[15:31] <KRCCFNF> Prince or princess?
[15:31] <SilverCrono> *prince
[15:31] <Auror> When did I bash?
[15:31] <KRCCFNF> Party?
[15:31] <NumberXVMoogle> i heard Party was in 20 mins
[15:32] <Randomnessity> Answer my question knaves.
[15:32] <Auror> If no example can be given, SilverCrono, than I'm innocent.
[15:32] <KRCCFNF> What question?
[15:32] <SilverCrono> [16:20] <Auror> There are some personal issues as to why I didn't want you to become a staff member, regardless of your "quality edits".
[15:32] <Auror> THAT WAS FOR ENX
[15:32] <SilverCrono> You pretty much said you didn't want ENX to become mod
[15:32] <SilverCrono> That's pretty much bashing.
[15:33] <Auror> I wanted to express something to him and I WONDER WHY YOU INTERVENED.
[15:33] <Randomnessity> Is anyone here an animal?
[15:33] <KRCCFNF> Cause he needs a girlfriend XP
[15:33] <Azul81677> Auror: You voiced it on the MAIN channel, why wouldn't he?
[15:33] <KRCCFNF> YES
[15:33] <KRCCFNF> I am a monkey
[15:33] <KRCCFNF> who eats toes
[15:33] <KRCCFNF> remember?
[15:33] <Auror> Azul81677: True
[15:33] <SilverCrono> Azul is correct
[15:34] <SilverCrono> And I am sticking up for ENX, who does not deserve the treatment you give him.
[15:34] <SilverCrono> And neither did DTN, for that matter.
[15:34] <KRCCFNF> And niether did Antoine!
[15:34] <Azul81677> If you didn't want anyone to say anything you could have 1)PM-ed him or 2)Told him on his talkpage.
[15:34] <Halopediaman> I thought ENX was female...bah.
[15:34] <SilverCrono> ._.
[15:34] <ENX> :O
[15:34] <Randomnessity> Teehee.
[15:34] <KRCCFNF> Well, the talkpage is to public
[15:34] <Randomnessity> ENX a female...
[15:35] <Halopediaman> My bad.
[15:35] == ODST_Spartan [70ccaab6@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)]
[15:35] <KRCCFNF> Is ENX even here?
[15:35] <KRCCFNF> I mean, is he away?
[15:35] <maggosh> Yes.
[15:35] <maggosh> He's here.
[15:35] <Halopediaman> [15:34] <ENX> :O
[15:35] <KRCCFNF> Oh, wait...
[15:35] <KRCCFNF> figlet
[15:35] <Randomnessity> Is there any other "females" here?
[15:35] <Auror> SilverCrono, just stop, I'm asking you nicely before you start something way worse.
[15:36] <KRCCFNF> Seriously, can I scare you Auror?
[15:36] <SilverCrono> Way worse?
[15:36] <KRCCFNF> Answer, please!
[15:36]  * Firaga44 raises hand*i'm a girl >.<
[15:36] <SilverCrono> I'm trying to make it better.
[15:36] <Auror> Erm, I guess so.
[15:36] <KRCCFNF> Okay, here it goes:
[15:36] <Randomnessity> I got a count of one.
[15:36] <Azul81677> oh jeezus
[15:36] <KRCCFNF> You were born on a Saturday.
[15:36] <Auror> no
[15:36] <KRCCFNF> What?
[15:37] <KRCCFNF> How do you know?
[15:37] <KRCCFNF> Check your birth certificate...
[15:37] <Auror> I should know when I was born..........._.
[15:37] <KRCCFNF> Fine...
[15:37] <Randomnessity> Imagine.
[15:37] <KRCCFNF> Or are you lying because I scared you?
[15:38] <KRCCFNF> -_^
[15:38] <Auror> No, I'm pretty sure, that I wasn't born on a saturday.
[15:38] <KRCCFNF> Someday we shall see...
[15:38] <Randomnessity> Is your eye ok, Inexistent thing?
[15:38] <SilverCrono> I was born June 3rd
[15:38] <SilverCrono> A Friday, I believe
[15:39] <Randomnessity> I was a born a May 20.
[15:39] <Randomnessity> I have no idea what day.
[15:39] <Randomnessity> Monday?
[15:39] <Randomnessity> Thursday?
[15:39] <NumberXVMoogle> somebody said Thursday was tomorrow for me.
[15:39] <KRCCFNF> Random, I wasn't born.  I was synthesized by a moogle.
[15:39] <NumberXVMoogle> Nyaa?
[15:39] <KRCCFNF> Yes, you Kitty
[15:39] <NumberXVMoogle> Rouwh?
[15:39] <Randomnessity> *HIss*
[15:40] <SilverCrono> I wasn'
[15:40] <KRCCFNF> Actually, Kitty's one- eyed uncle.  That is why I only have one eye.
[15:40] <NumberXVMoogle> \001ACTION fluffs
[15:40] <SilverCrono> *wasn't "born"
[15:40] <Randomnessity> I am born.
[15:40] <KRCCFNF> Auror, ask your parents.  I seriously think it was a Saturday.
[15:41] <Randomnessity> Is Auror a human? Is Auror of gender?
[15:41] <KRCCFNF> I think so...
[15:41] <KRCCFNF> Why are there only like three of us talking?
[15:41] <Randomnessity> Somebody's jealous.
[15:42] <KRCCFNF> WHY?  Why must the cold wind rip me apart atom by atom?
[15:42] <Auror> Because the others are just observing, seeing what happens.
[15:42] <Randomnessity> I have no idea, friend.
[15:42] <KRCCFNF> Who?
[15:42] <KRCCFNF> Which?
[15:42] <Randomnessity> Auror. What are you?
[15:42] <NumberXVMoogle> well, Which is INSANE coming from me, since I always hate the vocal themes or his hand.
[15:42] <KRCCFNF> What?
[15:42] <KRCCFNF> Box?
[15:42] <NumberXVMoogle> hmmm... Box is empty.
[15:42] <KRCCFNF> WhatBox?
[15:42] <NumberXVMoogle> There is no box!
[15:42] <SilverCrono> I wasn't born. I was made by the VOID.
[15:43] <KRCCFNF> There we go, back to Daryl
[15:43] <Auror> I'm very sure I wasn't born a saturday
[15:43] <Randomnessity> I have more alter-egos than you, Crono.
[15:43] <SilverCrono> Random: Lolwut?
[15:43] <NumberXVMoogle> SAY IT AGAIN. *readies shotgun* SAY IT!
[15:43] <SilverCrono> ._.
[15:43] <Randomnessity> It's true.
[15:43] <SilverCrono> How many?
[15:43] <SilverCrono> HOW MANY?
[15:43] <Randomnessity> Umm.....
[15:43] <KRCCFNF> Tengo 1200
[15:43] <Randomnessity> At least 4. And they all are meaningful.
[15:43] <KRCCFNF> -_^
[15:43] <SilverCrono> Hm.
[15:44] <Randomnessity> Random, the Dancing Cat.
[15:44] <NumberXVMoogle> mewp
[15:44] <Randomnessity> Cakedeath.
[15:44] <KRCCFNF> Look at the names section of my user page.  Seriously.
[15:44] <SilverCrono> I am known as Crono. Silversey. Silva. SC.
[15:44] <Randomnessity> Myself mutated by the Mojo.
[15:44] <SilverCrono> Dr._Stab.
[15:44] <Randomnessity> Those aren't alter-egos. Those are nicknames.
[15:44] <SilverCrono> DR STAB IS AN ALTER EGO
[15:44] <Randomnessity> NO!
[15:45] <SilverCrono> YES!
[15:45] <Randomnessity> Ok.
[15:45] <SilverCrono> ^^'
[15:45] <Auror> So, what made you come back to the wiki?
[15:45] <Auror> Did you miss some users?
[15:45] <SilverCrono> He was compelled by mah AWESOMENESS.
[15:45] <SilverCrono> ^Truefaxx
[15:45] <Randomnessity> Eh, a user contacted me. I decided that there was no reason to stay away.
[15:45] <Randomnessity> Not at all, Crono.
[15:46] <Randomnessity> Now, Auror-person. What are you? What do you do?
[15:46] <Randomnessity> It's only fair.
[15:46] <KRCCFNF> Wait, when did I remove the names section from my userpage?
[15:47] <KRCCFNF> Steez pwns
[15:47] <SilverCrono> So.. Random-guy-dude-person is Crono's friend now? :D
[15:47] <Randomnessity> Sure. Let's go with that. But you have to earn it.
[15:48] <KRCCFNF> I believe he is made of cheesecake, Crono
[15:48] <Randomnessity> You have to be worthy of my legendary friendship.
[15:48] <SilverCrono> I has to earn it? Crono is lazy, you know.
[15:48] <Randomnessity> Not true, person who isn't.
[15:48] <SilverCrono> And Crono sometimes talks in third person.
[15:48] <SilverCrono> What does Crono have to do to be worthy?
[15:48] == LegoAlchemist [47c1b8e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts
[15:48] <LegoAlchemist> Hello.
[15:48] <NumberXVMoogle> Hello!
[15:49] <Randomnessity> You have to prove yourself in charm, and witty banter. Things people know I am great at.
[15:49] <KRCCFNF> Random, answer the CronoCow
[15:49] <Randomnessity> I did, false existence.
[15:49] <KRCCFNF> Sorry, one eye, you know.
[15:49] <Randomnessity> Oh, hey, there's LegoAlchemist.
[15:50] <Randomnessity> I understand.
[15:50] <Azul81677> Randomnessity: Liek, I don't even know you so....
[15:50] <LegoAlchemist> Welcome back, Randomnessity ^_~
[15:50] <SilverCrono> LA
[15:50] <SilverCrono> HAI
[15:50] <Randomnessity> Azul:That's because I didn't want you to know me.
[15:50] <Randomnessity> Thanks, Lego.
[15:50] <SilverCrono> CronoCow? lolNO.
[15:51] <LegoAlchemist> Agreed
[15:51] <Azul81677> But if you're so "legendary", shouldn't everyone?
[15:51] <LegoAlchemist> Hey there, Crono
[15:51] <SilverCrono> Witty banter? Charm? I have that in bounds. ;)
[15:51] <Randomnessity> Not you, Azul.
[15:51] <Randomnessity> I am legend though.
[15:51] <Randomnessity> Everyone knows this.
[15:51] == Terra_Fae [62731266@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has left #wikia-kingdomhearts []
[15:51] <KRCCFNF> Hey, at least I didn't say SilvaGoat
[15:51] <SilverCrono> GOAT
[15:51] <Azul81677> Hm, obviously not.
[15:51] <SilverCrono> WHERE
[15:51] <SilverCrono> THEY MUST DIE
[15:51] <Randomnessity> You speak lies.
[15:51] <KRCCFNF> That would be why
[15:51] <Randomnessity> Crono, why are you what you are?
[15:52] <LegoAlchemist> Calm down, Crono.
[15:52] <LegoAlchemist> Please.
[15:52] <SilverCrono> Randomnessity: What you talking bout?
[15:52] <Randomnessity> Answer.
[15:52] <SilverCrono> The goats have been eradicated. Crono is pleased again.
[15:52] <KRCCFNF> WhoWhatWhenWhereWhyHowBox
[15:52] <Randomnessity> GAH!
[15:52] <KRCCFNF> Saph used to get so angry for the WhatBoxing
[15:53] <Randomnessity> It's a shame she left when I was gone.
[15:53] <KRCCFNF> But only me and Blix work there...
[15:53] <KRCCFNF> Yes, tis true Random
[15:53] <SilverCrono> RANDOMNESSITY.
[15:53] <SilverCrono> ANSWER CRONO'S QUESTION.
[15:53] <Randomnessity> What is it SilverCrono?
[15:53] <SilverCrono> [16:52] <Randomnessity> Crono, why are you what you are?
[15:53] <SilverCrono> WHAT THIS MEAN? ^
[15:53] <KRCCFNF> Well, so do Daryl, Seth, Ryan, Bubba
[15:53] <Randomnessity> You should know what it means if you are worthy.
[15:53] <Randomnessity> Bubba is.
[15:53] <KRCCFNF> please don't feed me Rufio
[15:54] <KRCCFNF> Cannibalism is bad.
[15:54] <Randomnessity> That's what you think.
[15:54] <Randomnessity> But you aren't human.
[15:54] <Randomnessity> You just aren't.
[15:54] <KRCCFNF> Where is Blaine?  He needs to be here.
[15:54] <SilverCrono> I am what I am.
[15:54] <SilverCrono> It was what the universe needed.
[15:54] <KRCCFNF> I is what I isn't
[15:55] <Randomnessity> Wrong answer. You failed.
[15:55] <SilverCrono> There are many theories as to why I exist.
[15:55] <KRCCFNF> Miserably
[15:55] <KRCCFNF> Wait, me or Silver
[15:55] <KRCCFNF> ?
[15:55] <KRCCFNF> ?
[15:55] <KRCCFNF> ?
[15:55] <SilverCrono> Some say it is because the goat population expanded too fast.
[15:55] <LegoAlchemist> Crono: I seriously doubt that.
[15:55] <Randomnessity> Silver.
[15:55] <Randomnessity> Why doubt, Lego?
[15:55] <SilverCrono> Some say the Chrono series needed a canon protagonist.
[15:55] <Randomnessity> SHH!
[15:55] <SilverCrono> Some say it's because the color silver is awesome.
[15:55] <Randomnessity> SHH!
[15:55] <SilverCrono> There are many theories. Nobody yet knows which is true.
[15:55] <SilverCrono> </rant>
[15:56] <LegoAlchemist> I think I do.
[15:56] == wolf5000 [d07b845e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[15:56] <Randomnessity> I WILL DESTROY YOU, CRONO!
[15:56] <LegoAlchemist> But I'm on a nice streak. Rather not say.
[15:56] <SilverCrono> ._.
[15:56] <Randomnessity> I see.
[15:56] <SilverCrono> I will be destroyed?
[15:56] <SilverCrono> I thought Random and I were friends D:
[15:56] <Randomnessity> Prove yourself, Crono.
[15:56] <SilverCrono> There goes my chances of making a new friend with an apparently nice guy >>
[15:57] <KRCCFNF> Ha, nice.  Nice is not fun at all.  I can't even smile anymore.  Of course, it would help if I had a soul that wasn't blacker than night.
[15:57] <Randomnessity> I'mma just messing with you Silver-dude.
[15:57] <LegoAlchemist> Same here ;D
[15:57] <KRCCFNF> WhatBox?
[15:57] <NumberXVMoogle> There's a desk in this box!
[15:57] <Randomnessity> Although, I may not be the nicest person.
[15:57] <NumberXVMoogle> meowmeowmeowmeowmeow.
[15:57] <LegoAlchemist> There's a box in this desk...
[15:57] <Randomnessity> This bot is freakin' me out.
[15:57] <SilverCrono> Oh, I was messed with? That's better :D
[15:57] == Halopediaman has changed nick to Tom|Away
[15:57] <SilverCrono> Cheese?
[15:57] <NumberXVMoogle> Cheese is liquid gold.
[15:57] <SilverCrono> ^Truefaxx
[15:58] <Randomnessity> Psssssst.
[15:59] <SilverCrono> lolwut
[15:59] <Randomnessity> Where are you, my love?
[15:59] <SilverCrono> SO I HERD YOU LIEK MUDKIPZ
[15:59] <Azul81677> Is your capslock broken or something?
[15:59] <SilverCrono> I LIEK MUDKIPZ
[15:59] <SilverCrono> THEY ARE TEH EPIC WIN
[15:59] <LegoAlchemist> KKD, thanks for bringing Random back.
[15:59] <KRCCFNF> YES
[15:59] <Firaga44> mudkips be awesome
[15:59] <LegoAlchemist> Oh, he's not here yet :P
[15:59] <SilverCrono> Thanks KKD
[15:59] <Randomnessity> I'll take that as my own compliment, Lego. :)
[15:59] <LegoAlchemist> ;D
[16:00] <Randomnessity> I AM LOVED!!!!!!!!
[16:00]  * Randomnessity coughs
[16:00] <KRCCFNF> GBGVBCRFYRFffrxcrgh
[16:00] <KRCCFNF> Got it off!
[16:00] <KRCCFNF> XD
[16:00] <Randomnessity> Good for you LRCCFNF.
[16:00] <KRCCFNF> What?
[16:01] <KRCCFNF> Yo soy KRCCFNF
[16:01] <Randomnessity> Huh?
[16:01] <KRCCFNF> No soy LRCCFNF
[16:01] <Randomnessity> SHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!
[16:01] <Randomnessity> I apologize for my fallacy.
[16:01] <LegoAlchemist> What does KRCCFNF stand for, KRCCFNF?
[16:01] <Randomnessity> I thought you were on Wiki break, Lego?
[16:01] <LegoAlchemist> Where'd you get that idea?
[16:02] <KRCCFNF> Your page
[16:02] <LegoAlchemist> Nah
[16:02] <SilverCrono> olos
[16:02] <Randomnessity> I saw you user page.
[16:02] <LegoAlchemist> I'm just breaking from the mainspace.
[16:02] <LegoAlchemist> I'm getting tired of wall o' text battleships.
[16:02] <Randomnessity> Ah.
[16:02] <LegoAlchemist> Not exactly breaking, but staying away from forums and the like.
[16:02] <KRCCFNF> LA, KRCCFNF is my name encrypted using the Vigenere squareBut, there is one typo...
[16:03] <KRCCFNF> Why does everyone ask that?
[16:03] <Randomnessity> Because we love you.
[16:03] <KRCCFNF> yay, I think
[16:03] <Randomnessity> ;)
[16:03] <Randomnessity> I'll pick you up at 7, sugar.
[16:04] <KRCCFNF> RUN
[16:04] <KRCCFNF> ME
[16:04] <KRCCFNF> RUN
[16:04] <Randomnessity> Uhh...
[16:04] <Randomnessity> POLICE OFFICER!
[16:04] <SilverCrono> Yo soy Crono.
[16:04] <Randomnessity> LapisScarab called me interesting.
[16:04] <Randomnessity> UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE CENTURY.
[16:05] <KRCCFNF> No me gusta tu madreYou know who you are.
[16:05] <KRCCFNF> Yo soy una papa.
[16:05] <KRCCFNF> YeahI'm a potato.  Deal with it.
[16:05] <Randomnessity> Can I call you Boogs Joyce?
[16:05] <KRCCFNF> Me?
[16:05] <SilverCrono> Estoy Crono. Yo se ajustará su cuello si me da la gana. Love me, o morir. Gusto en conocerlo.
[16:05] <Randomnessity> Yes, you.
[16:06] <KRCCFNF> Sure, why not.
[16:06] <Randomnessity> All right, Boogs.
[16:06] <Randomnessity> All right, Boogs.
[16:06] <Randomnessity> I wanna ping someone.
[16:06] <Randomnessity> Who should I ping?
[16:07] <KRCCFNF> Kitty
[16:07] <NumberXVMoogle> Muh-Muh-Muh-Meow.
[16:07] <LegoAlchemist> Me.
[16:07] <SilverCrono> Sadly, I must go.
[16:07] <SilverCrono> Homework calls.
[16:07] <SilverCrono> Cron osex bye!
[16:07] <LegoAlchemist> Sadly can mean many things.
[16:07] <Randomnessity> LegoAlchemist
[16:07] <SilverCrono> *Crono sez
[16:07] <LegoAlchemist> But see yah anyway
[16:07] <KRCCFNF> I will kill a goat for you!
[16:07] <LegoAlchemist> Random: I no pinged :C
[16:07] <Randomnessity> Bye, bye, Crony.
[16:07] <LegoAlchemist> My flash player is down.
[16:07] <maggosh> D:
[16:07] <Randomnessity> Then why'd you ask me to ping you?
[16:07] <SilverCrono> I hope to be friends with Random later! :D
[16:07] <LegoAlchemist> To see if it worked.
[16:07] <SilverCrono> OR PEOPLE WILL DIE. >:)
[16:07] <Randomnessity> Ah.
[16:08] == SilverCrono [63c2e738@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: CRONO SEZ BAI!!]
[16:08] <LegoAlchemist> Later Crono ^_^
[16:08] <Randomnessity> He's a freak.
[16:08] <LegoAlchemist> What, you think so?
[16:08] <Randomnessity> Not as big of a freak as me though. >>
[16:08] <LegoAlchemist> He's kind of annoying and immature at times, but not a freak ._.
[16:08] <Randomnessity> Whaaaaaat about meeeee?
[16:09] <KRCCFNF> i reserve sole rights to freak, here
[16:09] <KRCCFNF> *I
[16:09] <LegoAlchemist> You are very random. And the way Lapis puts it. Calm and interesting.
[16:09] <Randomnessity> Then my name works. So you don't picture me screaming at my computer?
[16:10] <LegoAlchemist> Nah.
[16:10] <LegoAlchemist> Not like Crono.
[16:10] <Randomnessity> Cool, cause I don't.
[16:10] <LegoAlchemist> Sometimes it seems like he's the angry german kid.
[16:10] <LegoAlchemist> Screaming and slamming keyboards around.
[16:10] <Randomnessity> I just remembered one of my many alter-egos. Good times.
[16:10] <Randomnessity> Haha.
[16:10] <LegoAlchemist> But he's a good guy
[16:11] <Randomnessity> The Dancing Cat, The Mojo, Cakedeath, and Gay Bachelor Show Host.
[16:11] <NumberXVMoogle> EEEEP!
[16:11] <KRCCFNF> WHAT?
[16:11] <Randomnessity> That makes it tough saying cat.
[16:11] <NumberXVMoogle> mwuah!
[16:11] <Randomnessity> There it goes again.
[16:11] <LegoAlchemist> LOL
[16:11] <LegoAlchemist> Moogle.
[16:11] <NumberXVMoogle> Nyaa?
[16:11] <LegoAlchemist> Kitty.
[16:11] <NumberXVMoogle> Rowwllll :3
[16:11] <LegoAlchemist> Cat.
[16:11] <NumberXVMoogle> Muh-Muh-Muh-Meow.
[16:11] <Randomnessity> It's Garland's fault.
[16:12]  * LegoAlchemist hold shot gun to kitty's head * You wanna respond now? DO YOU?
[16:12] <maggosh> I'm so irate.
[16:12] <NumberXVMoogle> Is this a toy factory or Pearl Harbor?
[16:12] <LegoAlchemist> I didn't think so. *stows it away*
[16:12] <Randomnessity> I'm beginning all of my classic, overused jokes.
[16:12] <Randomnessity> *to remember
[16:12] <LegoAlchemist> So any time you say irate, it says an irate gamer joke?
[16:12] <NumberXVMoogle> I'm so Irate.
[16:13] <LegoAlchemist> Hm
[16:13] <LegoAlchemist> Like Chuck norris and Kain highwind.
[16:13] <NumberXVMoogle>    * Magic urns give Elixirs to Kain Highwind.
[16:13] <Randomnessity> This thing freaks me out.
[16:13] <LegoAlchemist> Heh
[16:14] <LegoAlchemist> Wait till you see the swear log.
[16:14] <Randomnessity> I see I will have an enemy for the future.
[16:14] <LegoAlchemist> Talk to it in a PM and say any bad word.
[16:14] <Randomnessity> Swear log? Sounds fun.
[16:14] <KRCCFNF> Goodbye.
[16:14] <Randomnessity> Bye.
[16:14] <LegoAlchemist> Or do it here. You'll be off the hook. *glares ar ops*
[16:14] <LegoAlchemist> See yah, Inexistent
[16:14] <LegoAlchemist> *ar = at
[16:14] <Randomnessity> Can I be gauranteed of the hook?
[16:14] <LegoAlchemist> No.
[16:15] <Randomnessity> Then, I'll pass on out here.
Heartless vs. Nobodies
Ventus vs. Vanitas
Final Fantasy vs. Kingdom Hearts
Cards vs. Cards
Xemnas vs. Ansem, Seeker of Darkness
Saix vs. Xigbar
The same person , in two different bodies.  ONe, a heart of pure light, the other,. a heart of ssdarkness. one, joinging sora's heart, the other, sparking the creation of thunversedfj. hen they come to gether, what will form/  a mirage arevoctvictor/ or the x-blade/
Primero, yo voy a el museo ciudadano de ópalos.  Allá, la gente de Sydney venden ópalos. Yo llego a son las ocho y media.  Entonces, a las

Revision as of 14:48, 22 November 2010

Pepe: ¿Oigo? Andrés: ¡Buenos noches! Pepe: ¿Quién llama? Andrés: Hola Pepe. Me llamo Andrés. Pepe: Hola Andrés. Andrés: ¿Cómo estas? Pepe: Estoy triste. ¿Y tú? Andrés: Estoy muy cansado. Pepe: ¿Por qué? Andrés: Yo tengo sueno. Pepe: ¿Qué? Andrés: ¡Es once de la noche! Pepe: Si, yo comprendo. Andrés: ¿Te gustaría ir al cine mañana? Pepe: Me encartaría, gracias, pero no puedo. Andrés: ¡Que lastima! Pepe: Tal vez otro día. Andrés: ¿Por qué? Pepe: ¡Estoy muy triste cuando voy al cine! Andrés: ¿Quieres acompañarme a el concierto mañana? Pepe: No. Andrés: ¿Por qué? Pepe: Estoy triste cuando escucho música. Andrés: ¿Te gustaría practicar deportes mañana conmigo? Pepe: No. Andrés: Si. ¿Estas triste cuando prácticas deportes? Pepe: No. Estoy enfermo. Andrés: Si… Adiós Pepe. ¡No estas enfermo pronto! Pepe: ¡Adiós! Andrés: ¡Hasta luego!